Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Psalm 119:73 "Give me Understanding"

Psalm 119:73 - Thy hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding that I may learn Thy commandments.

We can be quick to acknowledge God as our creator and "tip our hat to Him"; to claim to "believe" in Him and so on... but are we really interested in Him? Do we actually seek to know Him and His purpose for "making and fashioning" each one of us? Are we tangled in the world and can't see the forest for the trees?
Do we step back each day and ask "Lord, Give me understanding"? Do we actually think we know it all... are we that ignorant of ourselves. ( The answer is YES!) The first thing we need to understand and not be blind to is our own sin and self. Ignorance does not equal innocence.

Ask yourself a few questions:

1. What do I think about; what consumes my thoughts?
2. What do I focus my attention on?
3. What do I design my life around; how do I prioritize my schedule?
4. What do I love; what do I sacrifice myself for?
5. What do I fear the most; what am I afraid of losing?
6. What brings me the greatest joy?
7. What brings me the most sorrow?
8. What stirs anger in me?

Read these verses and comment/question:

Isaiah 44:9-20
Hosea 7:2-11
John 9:39-41
Ephesians 4:17-19
Psalm 119:80 be continued.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Psalm 119:65-72 - JUNKFOOD

The main verse that hit me was 119:70a - "Their heart is covered with fat".

Being in Mexico for the majority of October gave me a different perspective on everything; especially with the outcome of our Presidential election and the outcry for the government to give more handouts. The other thing I saw was American's attitudes toward material restraint, or lack of, during economic hardship. We are facing an economic downturn that none of us have really had to face and yet people are still standing in line to buy the new Blackberry that was just released. This shows a serious heart problem not an economic problem. Our country is where it is because our hearts are where they are...

Images that came to mind ( I'm an artist/illustrator... I can't help it) are of Las Vegas, Shopping malls, large city's, sports arenas, buffet tables, Walmart, expensive cars, more and more gadgets like Iphones, Ipods, and never ending computer upgrades, $4.00 coffee, and so on...

I had a conversation with a guy I work with in Mexico and the overall observation of America is that we are selfish... just about sums it up! We only think of ourself and what new toy we can add to our pampered life, and if anything threatens that we'll sacrifice everything including our morals to prevent our pampered lives from being messed with; not to mention the debt we'll pile up to sustain an image/lifestyle that we think we have to have.

Satan has done his job very well. He doesn't need to attack us like something out of a movie to get us away from God. He only has to entertain us to death... Man is already by nature "all about self" so all Satan has to do is feed that by throwing everything we want at us. Like a little kid that can't take his eyes off the banana split and won't eat dinner. We are filling ourselves with everything that will make us sick and later kill us. We are left with no appetite for what God really wants us to have and that is Him.

Listen to Davids words in contrast to the "heart covered in fat":
vs. 65 = Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant...
vs. 66 = Teach me discernment and knowledge
vs 66 = I believe in Thy commandments...
vs. 67 = Before I was afflicted (disciplined by God through circumstances) I went astray. But know I keep Thy word
vs. 68 = Thou art good and doest good... Teach me Thy statutes
vs. 69b = With all my heart I will observe Thy precepts
vs. 70 = I delight in Thy law
vs. 71 = It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes
vs. 72 = The law of Thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

We need to stop living on the junk food that the world is feeding us everyday. Youth are educating themselves on how to maintain life according to the world's system and twisting their faith to fit what they want while at the same time silencing God. In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." The question we need to ask ourselves everyday is "what/who am I following" and "what is shaping my appetite"... is it the junk food the world offers or the solid meat of the word of God?


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Psalm 119:65

I think my traveling days are going to be slowing down soon (I'm currently in Mexico) and I'm looking forward to getting back to spending more time in Psalm 119. While on the road it's hard to blog... there's just so much to do.

I'm keeping this one short and sweet. Not because I'm trying to just fill up a post, but because when you think about it... this verse says a lot by itself:

119:65 - Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word.

This is past tense; looking back, David can see where he was and where he currently is. He can see the hand of God in his life maturing him through circumstances. His conclusion is God has "dealt well" with him... taken care of him, handled him, lifted him up, taught and matured him. Through all the bad times and good times he credits God for handling him well.

He also calls himself a servant... meaning he has submitted Himself to Gods mercy and control and has not regretted it. He's not ashamed of his master and His masters way of dealing with his life.

He recognizes that God is his Lord and that everything is according to His word. Gods word is sure and is the sufficient means to walk by. His life has been "joyfully handled and sustained by God's word" and then in verse 119:66 he wants more of it...

"Taste and see that the Lord is good..."

Can you look back throughout your life's history and say the same thing. Can you see God handling you? Is your daily life according to His word? Have you submitted everything to Him and trust Him to "deal with you according to His word"? Is He disciplining you as a father and maturing you daily... is He ever present in your daily life and thoughts?

Do you really know Him... and does He really know you? Are you in a relationship with him?
Is there a history to your relationship? Think about it...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughts on the Election...

There is a lot of conversations going on about the recent election and our new President elect Barak Obama. Some people are in tears and very excited and some are worried and very angry. What I've noticed, people are passionate on either side and there aren't many in the middle. Plus everybody wants to ask the question; "What do you think about the election?"

This is the perfect opportunity to really get to the heart of the issue. "Christ is our hope, not the government" I'm actually hopeful at the whole thing... not that a liberal and apparent Socialist is going to be running our country, but the fact that there seems to be no more grays in the discussion. You know what he stands for and what he is going to do. You also know what the country wants and is looking for based on how they voted. Look at the picture I have posted here and ask yourself what are they truly excited about? What do they want out of life, and what are they searching for? Why did they vote the way they did? How did it get to the point where a country that fought to keep Socialism out has now voted it in. Liberty, Capitalism, and what our founding Fathers died for is being changed by an excited majority. The world around us is getting darker by the day by those who think they are actually doing the opposite. And the hope is: The gospel will shine brighter! The Church doesn't need to picket and boycott... it needs to pray and seek the Lord harder in His word. Look at some verses in Psalm 119...

Psalm 119:19-20 = I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Thy commandments from me. My soul is crushed with longing after Thine ordinances at all times

Psalm 119:23-24 = Even though princess sit and talk against me, Thy servant meditates on Thy statutes.

Psalm 119:41-42 = May Thy lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word; So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Thy Word.

Psalm 119:46 = I will speak of Thy testimonies before kings, And shall not be ashamed

Psalm 119:51 = The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Thy law.

Psalm 119:61 = The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Thy law

Psalm 119: 69-70 = The arrogant have forged a lie against me; With all my heart I will observe Thy precepts. Their heart is covered with fat, But I delight in Thy law.

"It is good for us that we are afflicted, that we may learn His statutes." -119:71
Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Thy word...

The opposition we may be facing, in increased measure, should only drive us closer to Him, and give Him the opportunity to shine brighter through us. - this is a good thing and not something to be depressed about! Also, there are still some out there that will come to Him... let's go after them for His glory!

Also read this older post! It relates in a big way: Liberty

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Psalm 119:57-72 In Mexico

These verses actually fill up two sections; I'm floating between the two. I like the connection between verse 59 - "I considered my ways, and turned my feet to Thy testimonies" and verse 67 - "Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Thy word".

This makes me think of Galatians 5:16-17 when he says " Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."

Before I was converted/born again there was no war going on inside me between the two (flesh and Spirit) I just did what I wanted to without any real concern... yes there was some understanding that what I was doing was wrong, but nothing like a strong conviction; I would just make excuses and rationalize away the sin I was involved in. Now it's different... there is a war inside me. I here the two (flesh and spirit) screaming at each other. Each time I sin or make a wrong decision I feel "afflicted" in my gut and the worst thing I can do is ignore it. I also sense it before I sin... like a radar or warning signal to turn the other way... Now I "keep His word" not perfectly but the direction I aim at rather than my flesh. My decision making is based on "is this Biblical" or "will this honor God". The sad thing is I'm not perfect at it, but it's solid assurance that He is there because He is afflicting me like a father discipling his child.

His continual presence is an amazing reality. Even when He pulls away because of my sin; His pulling away is felt. Everything does, and should, revolve around Him.

"It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Thy statutes."
"The law of Thy mouth is better to me thatn thousands of gold and silver pieces." -119:71-72

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Back...for a day.

What a month it has been: Mexico for two weeks, home for a week, Aruba for a week, home for a day, and now back to Mexico. I long to be in one place for an extended period of time. I wanted to keep up with this blog but it has been quite hard. In Aruba we didn't have the internet (or I actually wouldn't pay what they wanted me to pay for it) plus all the running around and traveling has made it difficult. I've noticed how easy it is to get caught up in the craziness and go a few days without really spending time in the Word. After a few days I feel like something is wrong somewhere; like being out of place. We don't realize just how easily we can wander off and never know it, and at the same time think everything is OK. Remember when Mary and Joseph left Jesus in the temple? They left Jerusalem and traveled a day before they "started looking for Him" and realized He wasn't with them. (Luke 2:41-49)

This is so much like us... we get caught up and carried away with stuff and take off and leave Jesus behind. Not that we mean to or that we are deep in sin; I think it's a good "wake-up-call" that we really need to pay attention to where we are and to where Jesus is and fight daily to stay next to Him. Every time we wander off we are in danger... we may be up to our ears in lion country and never know it. This is not the time and these are not the days to get lazy. (Have you been watching CNN and the political battle!!?)

As for Psalm 119; I am floating between verses 49-72. I will be posting more on those later...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Psalm 119:49-64 Mexico Summary

I know this is a weird title for this post, but I didn't know what else to call it. I've been in Queretaro Mexico for over a week now on business and feeling a bit like a stranger. It's amazing how much we take for granted in our "Christian comfort zone" back in the states. Here, there are no churches, nothing on the radio (that I would understand) and no fellowship. You are alone with God... I'm not saying that is bad; but it's hard. You get to know yourself and how easily distracted you can be. I feel like my soul is hungry and my ears burn for solid preaching. Words in Psalm 119 take on new meaning:

Remember the word to Thy servant, In which Thou hast made me hope.
This is my comfort... that Thy Word has revived me

I have remembered Thine ordinances from of old, O Lord, and comfort myself.

Thy statutes are my songs...

The Lord is my portion...I have promised to keep Thy words

I entreated Thy favor with all my gracious to me according to Thy word...

I'm not trying to be overly dramatic...just real. We don't realize just how important the Word of God is until that's all you have. I've realized while being here on business I've been busy working and haven't read my Bible as much as I should...I physically feel it. I feel a deep longing that goes away only when my Bible is open in front of me. I long for Christian fellowship... I long to here a choir sing... I long for my family.

My God truly is everything. There is truly nothing to be desired more than Him.
"This has become mine. That I observe Thy precepts"-119:56

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48 Third Read

"I considered my ways, And turned my feet to Thy testimonies." - Psalm 119:59

This is something a lost man will not do. He may consider... but he never turns. That turning is called repentance. In the life of a believer this must be an everyday routine. Consider your ways, think about your day before you start it and in the evening before you go to bed. "Are your feet turned in the direction of His testimonies? Are you thinking of Him? Are you spending time with Him? Has He been spending time with you? If you are facing the wrong way... TURN AROUND!

"Entreat His favor with all your heart" -119:58
and "make yourself a companion of those who fear Him and of those who keep His precepts." -119:63 Peer pressure is good when you are around godly men... it helps you stay turned in the right direction.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Psalm 119:49-56 Second Read

The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Thy law. -Psalm 119:51

It is one thing to be able to stay consistent to God’s word while in the middle of all your Christian friends. It’s another thing to stay consistent when everyone around you is not a Christian and they are poking at you for what you believe. The real question is do they even notice that you’re different or do you blend right in? We don’t need to be confrontational for the sake of be confrontational all the time... but a Christian who is walking in the Spirit will be different by his very presence. It should be apparent to those around you, if you are a believer, that you follow a different path than everyone else. Your family should really notice there is a difference because they know you best, they should see Christ in your behavior and attitude...

If you are persecuted for being a Christian, or made fun of... they shouldn’t be persecuting you, they should be persecuting Him. “And this is the judgement that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light...” -John 3:19-20a
He is the Light in us... they see Him in us and run. They either run to Him or away from Him because He exposes them for who they are. It’s imperative that we stay consistent... and “not turn aside from His law”.

Here is what is so important; we are not to “pick the side we are on and not bend or defect to the other side”. We are to spend so much time with the Lord and His word that it would utterly hurt to turn from Him, to deny Him after all He has done for us would break our heart. I don’t turn from Him because I love Him so much. I don’t cheat on my wife because I love her so much, not because it’s just what I’m not supposed to do. This is what Jesus said was the greatest commandment, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength...’ If you truly love Him you won’t be able to turn away from Him. He and His word are all you have. (“This has become mine, That I observe Thy precepts” - Psalm 119:56) Others will notice this...and so they should.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Psalm 119:49-56 Second Read

One line caught me... "Thy statues are my songs..." -119:54
As an artist I understand that 'real art' comes from the heart. It is not 'art' if it has no meaning, it has to say something. It's not just skill and training. I would rather look at a Van Gogh, which has his life poured into his paintings, than some photographic image that someone reproduced. I would rather listen to a blues guitar player that can make you cry rather than a classical trained musician that just plays a bunch of well organized notes. - get the point?

In Matthew 15:18 Jesus said, "The things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart..." He was saying this in relation to where the actual source of sin is - the heart.
You can see what is on the heart of a culture by what kind of art that culture produces. (paintings, music, literature, etc.) Look at the movies, posters and books/magazines (be careful) and you'll see real fast the condition and heartbeat of our culture. Move ahead in time 400 years and look back at the "art" of today and you'll know what's been on our heart... the answer is Jesus' conclusion in Matthew 15:19 = "Evil thoughts, murders, fornication, theft, lying, slander" - this is painted all over the media, and this is what people sing about today. Have you heard a Rap song lately? Have you payed attention to the covers at the movie store?

David was a song writer; a real one. The book of Psalms is David pouring out his heart to God in song. It wasn't something he just decided to do one day. He couldn't help himself, it was a natural outpouring of his heart. A real artist isn't one who just paints well; he is able to see the world in a way others don't, and then paints what he sees. Music is in the heart, the ear, the soul; the instrument is just a tool to get the real music out. Visual art is in the eye, the heart, and the mind; the paint brush is just a tool as well. Too many people spend a lifetime trying to develop the instrument (tool) and the hand forgetting all about the heart. We want to get to the applause over the song or the painting which is nothing but sick pride. Spend time with God developing your heart... the rest will, and should, come naturally as an overflow of the heart.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Psalm 119:49-56 First Read

119:49-50 - "Remember the word to Thy servant, In which Thou hast made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, That Thy word has revived me.

Notice the writer is not asking God if He remembers. This is not a question it is a statement. Remember means to impress on the memory, to recollect, to record, to recite. The writer has put something in and God is bringing it back up. Everyday we make a deposit (spending time in the word) and everyday God brings back up what we have put in. Interesting timing for a few guys in my class. Everyday is a classroom; so what are we learning?

God's goal/will for us is to 'conform us to the image of His Son'. This is what the purpose of every day is. This is what 'He cause all things to work together' toward - sanctification. We learn by reading and studying His word. We meditate on verses to get all we can out of the scriptures. Then when we have the principle fully rooted in our brain God puts us through circumstances and trials so that what we have deposited we have to put into practice. This develops Wisdom and Godly experience. Not only have we learned it, but we have also practiced it. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, all are perfected in trials and affliction. Christ was the perfect example and standard to these fruits. He didn't just do them...He was them. It wasn't something He learned and did, it was who he was from the core of His being.

I place my hope in the fact that God knows what He is doing with me. He will bring to my mind what I need when I need it. I will be comforted in knowing that His word will revive me, and that it is His wisdom that is applying it to each circumstance. Now I can look at each day as an opportunity to fully learn and 'develop' (developing wisdom) what it is to be 'Christ-like'.

Everyday is a classroom - He is the teacher - His word is our text... and we are all freshman.
"I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48 Fourth Read

Liberty is a word that used to carry a lot of meaning in America. It's slowly losing it's value to debt. You aren't free if you are owned by another; if you have debt you are a slave to the lender. The U.S. economy is held up by debt. Our government is held up by debt. Most homes are held together by debt and borrowing; so much so that 'living within our means' has become a distant cliche. We have worked ourselves into a situation where socialism seems to be the only answer to a lot of people, and that's scary! People have lost all restraint and self-control and they want a government that is equally out of control to come bail them out. People today are willing to give up 'Liberty' and promise for a bowl of soup (Remember this is what got Esau in trouble).

How has this happened and what does this have to do with Psalm 119? There are many social - economic reasons but one root source, Idolatry. We have worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. We have exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man. God has given us over to a depraved mind... (Romans 1:18-32) Man loves man not God. Man serves man not God. Man wants what he wants when he wants it and nobody better get in his way. Now the debt is coming due and man can't pay the bill.

Another thing; Moses passed on his leadership role to Joshua, he had trained him to be his successor. But Joshua was to busy fighting and conquering and didn't train the youth around him in the ways of God; the result was the next generation was given over to idolatry and lost. God's people are always one generation away from apostasy - Spiros Zodhiates
This says it all doesn't it. One generation after another today seems to grow further from God and deeper into apostasy. So much so that most don't even know who God truly is; they just want back into Egypt where they can have food and a roof over there head rather than do the hard thing to be with God. The optimistic way of looking at this is we truly have a mission field full of hurting people all around us and it's growing daily. They don't need 'belief systems' and 'faith programs' they need to see the real God in us. We are supposed to be 'salt and light', and it's getting darker in this country by the day. It's all about REALITY folks, get to know Him for real and quite playing religious games! Then you will have an answer for him who reproaches you (119:42)

*Trust in His word (not your own) 119:42

*Don't allow His Truth to depart from your mouth (discipline and backbone...we need some) 119:43

*Wait for Him (stop pulling out the Visa and Mastercard!) 119:43 ...maybe He put you in a difficult financial situation so you could see Him and depend on Him more like Israel in the desert before the Red Sea. God made them go through the hard stuff so they would grow a little.

*Consistently walk in His Word and keep it diligently! 119:4, 45 He is truly the King and we 'really' need to obey Him... He 'really' is the Creator that 'really' needs to be listened to...

*True Liberty comes from seeking Him!!!! -119:45 We need to preach this!!!! And it's not financial liberty it's spiritual. This is what Jesus was offering in John 4.

*Speak of Him... -119:46 stop being ashamed of our God and his Son. Say the name Jesus... it's the most precious name there is. Don't let some stupid politician scare you from speaking the name of our savior... and yes, His name includes His words and what He stands for TRUTH!
which is what people today really need. You might get in trouble, but in Love let it fly.

*I shall delight in You -119:47 (delight in God not the junk the world seems to offer. Who wants to go in debt for cheap junk when God is offering Himself for free) Don't trade the birthright for a stupid bowl of soup! (Jacob and Esau - remember)

*Come to Him wanting Him...lift your hands to Him and not the local mall and the latest gadget -119:48

*Meditate daily on Him... one day this may be all you have -119:48
But it truly is all you need. -John 4:13-14, 32-34

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." -Jesus

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48 Third Read

Imagine this (Or Picture this):

As you get up in the morning and your feet hit the ground you're saying:
"May Thy lovingkindnesses come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word"
"So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me..." -119:41-42

As your mind is coming to you and your becoming fully awake your heart cries:
"I trust in your word"
"Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, For I wait for Thine ordinances..." -119:43

As you are walking across the room toward the shower your mind is dwelling on:
"I will keep Thy law continually, Forever and ever..."
and will I will walk at liberty For I seek Thy precepts." -119:44-45

As you're in the shower thinking about what you have to do that day your heart says:
"I will speak of Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed..." -119:46

While getting dressed and putting your wallet, cell phone, etc. in your pockets you say:
"I shall delight in Thy commandments (today) which I love..." -119:47

During breakfast; (if you eat breakfast) while filling your bowl you're thinking:
I shall lift up my hands to Thy commandments which I love... -119:48

Then as you walk out the door into the world your heart declares:
I will meditate on Thy statutes... -119:48

This is beginning a day dwelling in the presence of God. The minute you wake up your heart and mind race toward His direction. He is in every decision, and every spare moment you find your self running back to Him. This has been Davids passion throughout verses 119:1-48; "God I just want You"... and this desire begins the minute your feet hit the floor and doesn't stop until your head hits the pillow.

Make this reality a goal in your life...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48 Second Read

I said in a previous blog that I hit a wall when I came to this section. I noticed that I was trying to "think up something to write"rather than letting the Holy Spirit work in my heart and mind first. I would rather not write anything than make up something on my own that sounds like it fits.

Here's a picture that illustrates well the heartbeat of the past few weeks in Psalm 119: Need, Selflessness, Longing, Stranded, Hope in Another, Prayer, Simple Thankfulness, Dependent, etc... This man's palms are turned up and empty waiting to be filled. This is how we come to God. This is what I believe is the meaning in 119:48 - "I shall lift up my hands to Thy commandments." This is what we need, long for, hope in, and dependent on. This is what has been the ache of the first 40 verses: "God I have to have You and Your Word or I'm lost and a stranger with no hope". "Please don't forsake me, please don't leave me, please help me understand, please help me walk." This reminds me of Peter's answer to Christ in John 6:68 when asked if he was going to leave; "Lord, to whom shall we go, You have the words of eternal life?"

Psalm 119:41 "May Thy lovingkindness also come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word; So I shall have an answer for him who reporaches me...For I trust in Thy word.

Have you ever heard your heart say these words to God? Think about it...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Imitation of Christ

Imitation of Chirst by Thomas Akempis is an incredible book and great to read along with Psalm 119. You know, in those spare times when you have nothing to do. I've been thinking and reading a lot in the past few days: Psalm 119, Imitation of Christ, Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, and The Practice of the Presence of God by brother Lawerence. No I didn't read the entire book on each... The books are more devotional and set up to read around and not like a novel that you read through cover to cover. I have added a Book section to this blog that links to these books online...

Here are some great quotes from Imitation of Christ that upply to where we are:

Seek to retire within yourself. Love to dwell alone with yourself. Seek no man's conversation, but rather pour forth devout prayer to God that you may keep your mind contrite and your heart pure.

If you completely conquer yourself, you will more easily subdue all other things. The perfect victory is to triumph over self. For he who holds himself in such subjection that sensuality obeys reason and reason obeys the Word of God (Christ) in all matters, is truly his own conqueror and master of the world.

Because few labor to die entirely to self, or tend completely away from self, therefore they remain entangled in self, and cannot be lifted in spirit above themselves. But he who desires to walk freely with Christ must mortify all his low and inordinate affections, and must not cling with selfish love or desire to any creature.

There are many matters of which it is well for you to be ignorant, and to consider yourself as one who is dead upon the earth and to whom the whole world is crucified. There are many things, too, which it is well to pass by with a deaf ear, thinking, instead, of what is more to your peace.

Living on earth is truly a misery. The more a man desires spiritual life, the more bitter the present becomes to him, because he understands better and sees more clearly the defects, the corruption of human nature...But woe to those who know not their own misery, and greater woe to those who love this miserable and corruptible life. Some, indeed, can scarcely procure its necessities either by work or by begging; yet they love it so much that, if they could live here always, they would care nothing for the kingdom of God.

How foolish and faithless of heart are those who are so engrossed in earthly things as to relish nothing but what is carnal! Miserable men indeed, for in the end they will see to their sorrow how cheap and worthless was the thing they loved.
-Thomas Akempis

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Lot to Chew On!

I've been working through Psalm 119 for a couple of weeks now and feel like I've hit a wall. Not in a bad way but like the feeling you get when you have eaten too much and you can't get another bite in your mouth. I sense that I'm beginning to just go through it for the sake of going through it and moving on to the next post... which totally defeats the purpose. Also my mind keeps wandering back to what I've been reading rather than what I am reading. So I think it's time to slow down and digest what we've been through. I'm going to re-read 119: 1-40 for the rest of this week... there is some really solid stuff in 41-48 and I can't get my mind around it. So I'm going to do what 119:43b says, "I'm going to wait for God".  I want to get closer to Him and not just zip through the verses and miss Him all together.

119:4 -Thou hast ordained Thy precepts, That we should keep them diligently...
(not just read over them and move on...)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Psalm 119:41-48 First Read...

119:45 says:  And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Thy precepts.

"Walk at liberty" = Life of grace,  free from legalism, the air is easier to breathe, not a lot of stress and anxiety, no fear (Matthew 11:28-30)

This type of life is achieved through walking with God... Seeking His precepts rather than the worlds. It's amazing how people are bogged down today... weighted down with all sorts of things... Have you felt the weight of any of these:

Afraid of getting caught because of a lie you told.
Afraid of someone walking around the corner and catching you watch something you shouldn't.
Afraid of someone checking the history on your computer a seeing the porn sites.
Afraid of someone you've been bad mouthing finding out it was you.
Afraid of being caught cheating on the exam.
Afraid of someone smelling the cigarette smoke or alcohol on your breath.
Afraid of people not hanging out with you and not talking to you.
Afraid of people making fun of your clothes or your body type.

How about:
Worrying about the debt collectors and the overwhelming pile of debt you have.
Worrying about being audited because you cheated on your taxes.
Worrying about not getting the promotion at work.
Struggling with the weight of a large car payment and a huge house payment.
Tired of living like you make $100,000. when you only make 30,000.00

The list goes on...

Life is so much easier when you aren't always afraid to look over your shoulder... worrying about what's around the corner, or getting caught.  This is the result of sin and guilt; which is a good thing actually.  The sad thing is some people have no conscience and actually live in gross sin without any care or worry at all.  Feeling the weight of sin is good. Guilt and anxiety over a sinful life is good. You should feel guilty if you lie or cheat. You should feel shame if you're doing or looking at immoral things. This is God screaming at you that you're a sinner and fallen.  Galatians 3:24 says the Law is a tutor (teacher) that leads us to Christ.  God's commandments, precepts, statutes, take us by the hand and show us our faults then lead us to Christ; the only one who can fix our heart which is the root problem.

Trying to keep up with the world will only kill you in the end.
Truly walking with God and seeking His precepts is a life at liberty; a life at peace.

119:35 - Make me walk in the path of Thy commandments, For I delight in it.
119:37 - Turn my eyes away from looking at vanity, and revive me in Thy ways.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Psalm 119:33-40 Fourth Read...

119:38 says, "Establish Thy word to Thy servant, As that which produces reverence for Thee."

Establish = A solid foundation, Rooted, Firm, Fixed, Un-moveable, Well grounded, Resolved.
This is speaking of the Word of God in our life. Something we cleave to (119:31), a direction we are determined to go in without turning (119:32). Simply devoted and dedicated. (119:33-36).

Why? What is my motive for such a dedication?

Because in it we see Him. We are focused on Him.  The more we see Him, the more we want Him. The more we know Him the more we are in awe of Him... the more we revere Him. 
Does this sound like you... what are you focused on? 

119:37 = Turn my eyes away from looking at anything else... let me see You in everything.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Gospel in the Psalm

Gospel centered preaching doesn't manipulate a text into saying what the preacher wants to say, it finds what the text already says about the gospel.  This is what we must do, this is what we must dig for.  The reality of the gospel and the reality of Christ in every verse. 

So where is the gospel in Psalm 119?  Here is what we have read so far.

119:1 - A man whose way is blameless is blessed.
> This would be Jesus and not us. We must observe and seek His testimonies with all our heart. We must walk in His ways. (119:2-3) We must realize the reality of being "Forsaken of God" (119:8) and understand this is truly what Jesus was going through when God turned His back on Him on the cross when Jesus cried "Father why have You forsaken Me"? He went through this for me!

119:9 - So how can I keep my way pure?
> Unmixed from the world, holy, separate unto God, a true "stranger in the world"(119:19). We seek Him in His word with all our heart. We treasure Him and his words. We speak of them, we rejoice in them, we delight in them, we refuse to forget them and let them fade from our minds and hearts. (119:10-16) Meditating on Him becomes our favorite past time and any chance we get our hearts wonder off to where he is.

This is a perfect ideal, but not so easy for someone who's nature is full of sin and prone to idolatry and wondering off...

119:17 - "Mature" thy servant that I may live and keep Thy word!
> Open my eyes that I may see You. My soul is crushed with longing after You. Take away reproach and contempt from me.  I am a stranger in the earth... help me! (119:17-24)

119: 25, 29 - My soul cleaves to the dust... Remove the false way from me.
> I have told of my ways, and You have answered me (confession) My soul weeps because of grief (sin, guilt, frustration) I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Thine ordinances before me, I cleave to Thy Testimonies (Repentance)
> I shall run the way of Thy commandments, For Thou wilt enlarge my heart (Faith in another)

119:33-40 - Lord teach me...
> Teach me O Lord,  give me understanding,  make me walk in Thy commandments...
>Incline my heart to You. Turn away my eyes from the worlds things.
>Establish Your word in me, Your servant.  Produce reverence in me for You.
>Revive me in Your righteousness.

119:41 - May Thy lovingkindness come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word.
> He has...His name is Jesus... "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory..." (John 1:14)

So why doesn't everyone run to Him?  They love there ways rather than His. They are arrogant and wander from His commandments (119:20-23) They delight in the world and look only at vanity (119:35-37) They are not grieved over there sin... they don't even see it (119:28-29, 33-34).  The only thing there heart seeks is self (119:2,10) The only thing they treasure is self (119:11) The only thing they speak of is self (119:13) The only thing they rejoice in is self (119:14)

Do you see they reality of repentance and faith in Psalm 119:1-40?  
David saw it and wrote about it... maybe this is one reason God called him "a man after His own heart".

Where is your heart today?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Psalm 119:33-40 Third Read...

What are you drawn to?  In good southern terms; "What cranks your tractor"? What do you find pleasure in?  What do you feel a strong attraction for; something that you just love to be involved in.  Simply, what do you like?

Psalm 119:35 says, "Make me walk in the path of Thy commandments, For I delight in it."
The definition of "delight" is the first paragraph of this post. The Greek doesn't include the tractor comment but it implies the same meaning. The author of this Psalm found pleasure from walking in God's path. He was drawn to it, he wanted to do anything to be involved in what God was involved in.  He found "delight in it"... in verse 40 he say's "I long for Thy precepts".  Also in verses 33-34 he expresses his desire to "keep it with all his heart".

Do you seek God's presence?  Do you want to be around Him?  Do you want Him to hang out with you?  Do you desire for God to turn your eyes away from anything that takes them off of Him (119:37)?  Do you grieve the fact that your heart wanders away and ask God to turn it back to Him... do you even notice when your heart wanders off?  

Do you simply fight and struggle to be with Him? 
If not, why not... has the creature become more appealing than the Creator? 
-examine yourself,  get to know your heart and don't let it deceive you.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Psalm 119:33-40 Second Read...

"The cover of every magazine has someone else's view of heaven on it." It's the old 'supply and demand' at work creating idols in our lives. "Create a need or demand then figure out a way to supply it". This is how the world goes around...this is how advertising and media works... this is at the heart of why most people get up every day. "I must have___________, so I must do___________to get___________."

"My life is hell unless I look like the person on that magazine, so I'm going to work out at the gym everyday until I have that body"; that would be heaven. Who's the savior? The gym and the trainer, the diet, the health food lifestyle. These are the things that get the person out of the hell they think they are in and offer them what they think would be heaven.

"My life is hell unless I'm successful and make a lot of money, so I have to go to the best schools and get the right job to give me what I want. Who's the savior? Education and work...

My life is hell unless I drive a certain type of car...
My life is hell unless I dress and appear a certain way...
My life is hell unless I have the latest computer and technology...
My life is hell unless I fit in with a certain crowd...
My life is hell unless I have a certain size house on the best side of town...
My life is hell unless I have the best furniture and my house looks a certain way...
My lie is hell unless I have a certain size ministry...

Take a look at yourself and determine what drives you. What do you want? What do you live for? What do you think is heaven? Your life is hell without_____________, your life would be heaven with________________.
What motive sets your goals each day? What are you trying to achieve and why? This is how you find the idols in your life.

Watch TV and ask yourself what are they trying to tell me. What are they trying to sell me? Not just the commercials either. The lifestyle's they portray, the politics they push through every show. The trends they want you to buy in to... They lust after power and influence so they try to get you hooked on something so you'll need them. You'll find that they are very spiritual... Sex is a god, money is a god, education is a god, success is a god, clothing is a god, technology is a god, and so on... people get up everyday and serve__________to get more of there god_____________.

Repentance is turning from these god's and turning to Christ. Not running to Him thinking He'll give you the other stuff if you "tithe enough"... Realizing your life is Hell without Him and giving it all up to just have Him. He's the savior, He's the treasure, He's the pearl of great price. Everything else is just empty and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. He fills you with a well that never ceases to flow...Himself. Don't try to manipulate Him to get something from Him. Just go after Him...

119:36-38 "Incline my heart to Thy testimonies, And not to dishonest gain. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Thy ways. Establish Thy word to Thy servant, As that which produces reverence for Thee.

Where is your heart? What are you looking at? What do you serve?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Psalm 119:33-40 First Read...

Often people refer to the Psalms as a place to pray. "Take a Psalm and pray it back to God". This is a great way to stay biblical in your prayer. It is also a great way to only pray religious words that have no impact on your heart if you're not careful. Prayer is the heart calling out to God. An aching, worshipful, thankful heart speaking to its Creator and Savior. Psalm 119:33-40 is a great Psalm to think about, understand, and pray through.

Look at the motive of the prayer:
119:33 - "Teach me, O Lord...
119:34 - "Give me me keep it with all my heart
119:35 - "Make me walk in Thy path...

This is a student that is coming to the classroom of scripture ready to learn. His hand is out and his mind is ready and "tuned in". He wants to learn. He sees the benefit of what he will receive. He isn't playing games... he's finally serious and ready to do what it takes to learn from the Master. Both verses 33 and 34 he says; "I shall observe it". He plans to put what he learns into action... This is where we need to be every morning when we wake up and start a new day with God...

How do we get here? How do we get to where we can say; "I delight in it"?

We start by praying this:
119:36 - "Incline my heart to Thy testimonies, and not to dishonest gain."
119:37 - "Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity...
119:38 - "...produce, in me, reverence for Thee
119:39 - "Turn away my reproach..."
119:40 - "...revive me through righteousness"

This is where we must begin before we are ready to say "Lord, teach me..."
The foundation is first poured in the heart before the mind can be developed and built up properly.  If the heart isn't right the mind will not stand...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Psalm 119:25-32 Third Read...

There is something very important here that we can't miss. Especially with our blogging and making comments on scripture... we have to prevent our meditating from wondering off into fantasy and become fruitless daydreaming.

119:26a - I have told of my ways... 119:29 - Remove the false way from me...
> Man's ways must be made clear and separated from God's ways. "We have to stay God-Centered and Gospel focused in our thinking."

119:26b - Teach me Thy statues...
> We must learn, read, take notes, listen, ask questions, memorize... absorb!   - then...
119:27a - Make me understand the way of Thy precepts...
> Pray for understanding.  You have to "download" the information correctly before you can work with it... Once you have it ask the question's that help you understand it. In all you do gain understanding... This is the largest problem in the world today - The wrong 'understanding' of the gospel and the word 'believe'.  They have wrongly interpreted (understood) the scriptures. This is a subtle way that Satan will lead you astray. 

119:27b - So I will meditate on Thy wonders
> 1.) Learn it.   2.) Seek to understand correctly what you have learned.   3.) Then meditate on it... You can't get out of this order; if you do you will be walking in dangerous territory.  Make sure your meditating is based on a proper understanding of what you have learned from scripture. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What does the lost man's life look like?

Psalm 119:25-32 Second Read...

Meditating on these verses and being in Las Vegas is ironic.

119:26 "I have told of my ways"...
> We need to get honest with ourselves and place all our desires, thoughts, intentions, goals, etc. before God. For the sole purpose that He reveal who we actually are to us.
> At the same time we must ask Him to "Teach us His ways"(119:26b) with the desire to respond to what we He teaches us...(119:27)

119:28 "My soul weeps because of grief".
>This is what is supposed to happen when our ways are placed before our eyes. This is the proper response! Ironically I'm in a place (Las Vegas) that if these people had there hearts placed before there eyes it should scare them to death... what's truly frightening is they aren't even looking and they'll fight you if you try to tell them; look at you like you're stupid make fun of you and walk away getting set deeper in there sin.

119:29 "Remove the false way from me"
> This should be our desire each morning as we start our day. Psalm 19:12-14 really develops this..."acquit me of hidden faults, keep me from presumptuous (deliberate) sin, let sin not rule over me... my desire is to be blameless before You, let my words and my meditations be acceptable in Thy sight...O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

119:29b "Graciously grant me Thy law"
> This is a request for a standard. A "Plum Line"; accountability from God. "You lay down your ways, and God lays down His ways. Clear black and gray's... nothing but absolute truth!

119:30 "I have chosen the faithful way, I have placed Thine ordinances before me"
> This is nothing but an act of Grace on a man's heart. We wouldn't even be looking had He not first drawn us. Praise Him!

119:31 "I cleave to Thy testimonies"... do not put me to shame, O Lord"
> When you see your ways in sin... it should scare you to death. This is a white knuckle grip on Him, desperate for Him because He is truly your only hope.

119:32 " I shall run the way of Thy commandments"
> This isn't something to just make a part time hobby out of. Run with all your might... for He will enlarge your heart = The more you chase after Him and run from self the more He fills you.

What a God we serve...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Psalm 119:25-32 First Read...

What a week to begin Psalm 119:25-32! I'm traveling this week to Las Vegas for a business convention. God is so good to me, so gracious... I've been able to spend 4 hours straight in the word! I'm sitting on the plane right now writing this "offline" to later place the text into the blog and my heart is just aching for Him. I long to see Him more today than I ever have. I have a renewed desire to protect my eyes, my mind, my thoughts, my desires for Him. To love my wife more than I ever have and to stand in awe of what he is doing in the lives of my kids. I can't help but wonder if this renewed strength is just to get me through the trip safely and without the stain of sin. I sense this often when I travel... more aware of Him... more fear of hurting Him and losing the fellowship of His presence. I really desire to see sin the way He does... to hate it more and to know how to expose it and minister to those trapped in it. Sin is in the hearts of the people sitting on this plane... not in the location that they "indulge their desires in". They only call Vegas "Sin City" because what is in a wicked heart is truly brought out in the open, but truthfully that can be said about any town in America today.

On to Psalm 119:25-32... After reading it several times I can tell there is a lot here!! I'll start at the end and work backwards:

- That God will enlarge my heart (vs 32)
- That He will Remove the false way from me (vs. 29)

These verses jumped out the most to me in my first read. In 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 the main thing that hinders someone from truly hearing and learning and growing are there "affection's". The "False Way's" within them. (119:29) The appetites and desires for anything other than God... simply "idols" (2 Timothy 3:2-5). We have so much sin in our nature and so many idols before our eyes that we blindly chase after the wrong things and think we are OK. What we need is a huge appetite for God and a heart that has the capacity to hear and see Him.

To obtain this we need to be brought to dust (spiritually - 119:25,28) and revived according to His word - spending the rest of our life removing the "False way's from us" and choosing His way's over our own (119:30-31); Holding on to His testimonies and truth...meditating on Him and allowing Him to enlarge our heart for more of Him. (119:27,31-32) Does this sound like a road you are on?

119:5 Oh that my ways may be established to keep Thy statutes!

Remember... it's all about the heart and the direction it casts its desires.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Concern for Youth...

Two types of people may be reading this blog. One is the 9th grade Sunday School class I've designed it for.  The other is parents, adults, & just general christians that are into the blog world.

These posts may sound pretty heavy for 9th graders.  Some youth may be thinking it's 'a little much'. Others may be thinking 'I'll never have the time to actually do this stuff'... and to some it sounds out and out boring.  Wherever your opinion may fall - here's my concern which comes from being a "Youth group kid" myself a 'few' years ago.

The only expectation on kids today is "Let them be kids".  They focus on grades, homework, football practice, and dating.  The main concern seems to be fitting in, blending in, and getting on to the freedoms and experiences of College. Most parents today are caught up in work, busy schedules with "football practices", and simply keeping things going. Usually God falls between the cracks... "Where are the parents!!!"

The teen throws God in on Sunday and maybe Wednesday, but often forgets He even exists during the week. The teen mind is quite full Monday through Saturday. School has become a breeding ground for what is said in 2 Timothy 3 - "Lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power.." Sadly this is a description of most American youth. And the main question is 'where are the parents'? Go to the local mall on a Friday/Saturday night and you'll ask what ever happened to dad? How could these girls be allowed out of a house dressed the way they are?  How could these boys be allowed to act the way they do? The most important things in a teens life are style, the latest technology, and relationships. The teens life could be summed up like this: School, practice, homework, dinner, Cell phone, bed. In between these things are added T.V. , Internet, texting, more cell phone, and ipod.  Life is centered around self and then comes college which is exciting because it's more of the same with no parental control at all. A time when you can just indulge the flesh and somewhat get away with it.  Of course there are a few teens that break the mold, but sadly it's only a few.  Often this verse can be applied to the "Youth group teen": Titus 1:16 - They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed." 

My desire is to first seek the Lord diligently myself.  How can I open my mouth if I'm not first doing it myself?  We don't need to try to convince these kids to believe what we believe; we need to take them by the hand and introduce them to the God we know!  They need to see Christ in us first before they hear us talk about Him.  They need to see us organize our day around His word and set our priorities around His will.  They need to see us choose Him above anything else.  They need to see us loving our wives the way Christ loved the church.  They need to be challenged to make the right decisions and not fall into the worlds mold. They need to present there bodies to Christ, a living and holy sacrifice... they don't need to be conformed to the world, but they need to be transformed by renewing there minds.  

Psalm 119 is all about this!  Both for dad and the local Teen. We need to really look at what is considered difficult here... 

Oh that my son would "keep his way pure" and "treasure God with all his heart"... that "God would open his eyes that he may see wonderful things from God's word". " May his soul be crushed with longing after God"... and may I lead the way.  Doesn't this make dad the ultimate youth pastor?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Psalm 119:17-24 Fourth Read...

In the New American Standard version of the Bible (my favorite) verse 119:17 says: "Deal bountifully with Thy servant, That I may live and keep Thy word".

The main words to focus on are:  Deal bountifully, servant, live, keep, and lets not forget "Thy".
Many sermons could be preached from these words or any one of them actually, but look at 'deal bountifully'.  It means (greek lexicon) to become ripe, to make ripe, to accomplish. "Bring fruit to be fully ripe and ready.  

Davids cry was for God to mature him; to fully develop him... Why?
So that he would be a completed servant... Why?
So that he may live... What is considered mature living?
Living to keep God's word... This is real life... This is why He created us; 'to keep His words'. 

Ask yourself these questions: "Am I truly seeking Him?"  -  "Do I really care what He has to say?"  -  "Is the goal of my life to keep His word each day?"  -  "Do I want Him to mature me to be a better servant of His?"  - Search your heart and seek Him!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Psalm 119:17-24 Second & Third Read...

Our Sunday School lesson is in John 1:19-51 and the main question placed before us is "What do you seek"?  Crowds ran out to John the Baptist to here him preach. Crowds followed Jesus as well.  At the very beginning He turns and asks "What do you seek"? The disciples reply was basically "We want to go where you go", "Where are you staying", and they followed after His invitation to "Come and see"...

So what does this have to do with Psalm 119? Listen to his heart:

That I may live and keep Thy word...
Open my eyes that I may see...
Do not hide Thy commandments from me...
My soul is crushed with longing after Thine ordinances...
Thy servant meditates on Thy statues...
Thy testimonies also are my delight; They are my counselors.

In the midst of trial and affliction the only thing he cares about is his relationship with his God. He doesn't make any comment about the exact circumstance; only his yearning for spiritual maturity (119:17-18) and restoration (119:19-22).

So "What do you seek"? Read J.C. Ryle's tough words to youth.  Ryle wanted kids to know that they were accountable for their actions... in other words - "What you seek each day is important no matter how old you are"

5 Dangers from Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle

1. Pride
 "Young men, take to heart the Scriptures just quoted. Do not be too confident in your own judgment. Stop being so sure that you are always right, and others wrong. Don't trust your own opinion, when you find it contrary to that of older men, and especially to that of your own parents. Age gives experience, and therefore deserves respect. "

2. Love of Pleasure 
"Youth is the time when our passions are strongest—and like unruly children, cry most loudly for indulgence. Youth is the time when we have generally our most health and strength: death seems far away, and to enjoy ourselves in this life seems to be everything... "I serve lusts and pleasures:" that is the true answer many a young man should give, if asked, "Whose Servant are you?" 

3. Thoughtlessness
 "Not thinking is one simple reason why thousands of souls are thrown away forever into the Lake of Fire. Men will not consider, will not look ahead, will not look around them, will not reflect on the end of their present course, and the sure consequences of their present days, and wake up to find they are damned for a lack of thinking.
Young men, none are in more danger of this than yourselves. You know little of the perils around you, and so you are careless how you walk. You hate the trouble of serious, quiet thinking, and so you make wrong decisions and bring upon yourselves much sorrow.""

4. Contempt of Religion 
"This also is one of your special dangers. I always observe that none pay so little outward respect to Christianity as young men. None take so little part in our services, when they are present at them—use Bibles so little—sing so little—listen to preaching so little. None are so generally absent at prayer meetings, Bible Studies, and all other weekday helps to the soul. Young men seem to think they do not need these things—they may be good for women and old men, but not for them. They appear ashamed of seeming to care about their souls: one would almost fancy they considered it a disgrace to go to heaven at all. "

5. Fear of Man's opinion
 "The fear of man" will indeed "prove to be a snare" (Proverbs 29:25). It is terrible to observe the power which it has over most minds, and especially over the minds of the young. Few seem to have any opinions of their own, or to think for themselves. Like dead fish, they go with the stream and tide: what others think is right, they think is right; and what others call wrong, they call wrong too. There are not many original thinkers in the world. Most men are like sheep, they follow a leader. If it was the fashion of the day to be Roman Catholics, they would be Roman Catholics, if it was to be Islamic, they would be Islamic. They dread the idea of going against the current of the times. In a word, the opinion of the day becomes their religion, their creed, their Bible, and their God."

Deuteronomy 4:9 - "Give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently..."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Psalm 119:17-24 First Read...

I must admit I fell into the habit of "zooming in" on each verse looking for a "nugget" and almost missed the context of it all... I haven't been able to focus on anything until I read through it so many times all the dots began to connect:

...that I may live
Open my eyes...
I am a stranger... not hide
My soul is crushed...
Take away reproach and contempt from me...
Thy testimonies are my counselors.

This is the heart in the midst of affliction crying out.  Looking for understanding, looking for help and comfort.  A real man going through real trouble looking and longing for his God. Oh that I would sound like this in the midst of a storm... He only seems to be affected by the absence of God.  God has seemed to pull away from him and he is desperate to get Him back... Searching hard after God no matter the circumstances... this is a man truly blessed (119:2,10)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Psalm 119:9-16 Thoughts after Pastors sermon

Our pastor spoke from Hebrews 12:11 on affliction in the life of a believer.  How we view it and the dangers of falling into sin, unbelief, and possible apostasy with our reaction to the trial that God allows to come our way. Being in the valley is tough, but necessary. Several things came to mind in relation to Psalm 119:

The first question presented in verse 119:9 - "How can a young man keep his way pure".  I made the comment in a previous post that the word pure doesn't always mean only sexual purity. Of course it does contain that, but it's not restricted to only that.  How can our walk each day be pure unto the Lord? How can we keep our walk unmixed with the world's way of thinking?  By "keeping it according to God's word". (see also Romans 12:1-2)

Notice that in these verses ( 9-16 ) that the term "I have" is used:

I have sought... 
I have treasured...
I have told...
I have rejoiced...

This is something that He 'has been' (past tense) doing... Not something he runs to when difficulty comes, but something that seems to be a daily habit. So he is now ready when affliction / trials come his way.  He already knows Who is behind the trial. He knows that the outcome will be for his good and God's glory.  He doesn't get shaken off the path very far, and if he does he doesn't lose sight of it.  The trial drives him closer to his Lord and deeper into the word. This is how you keep your way pure; keeping each day by God's word.  Looking through the light of scripture at everything; asking God questions as you go and waiting quietly for His answer.  This is truly seeking Him... Does your heart ache for this type of relationship with God? (Psalm 119:2, 5, 8, 10) What is getting in the way if it doesn't.

Now look at the present tense and future tense of 119:15-16:

I will meditate on Thy precepts and regard Thy ways
I shall delight in Thy statutes
I shall not forget Thy word

He's been in the word...He sees the value of it...He is determined to stay the course.
What if we had the same determination in scripture that Michael Phelps has in swimming?

One more thing...I'm not trying to be a "Great Bible Teacher" with all kinds of insight...
I "have been" reading this and meditating on it.  God drew a parallel from our Pastors sermon to what I had been meditating on... and it really excited me!  "With my lips I am telling of the ordinances of His mouth"(119:13) "I am rejoicing in His testimonies" (119:14) "I see the supreme value in His word" (119:14) "I am even more determined to keep going" (119:15-16)
I pray you will do the same...   -scott

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Psalm 119:9-16 Fourth Read...

This is the end of 9-16... beginning Monday morning I'll start 17-24.

119:10 - "Do not let me wonder" = Do not let me sin through ignorance, unintentionally breaking God's law.

Sin is sin...even though we may not mean to do something, or don't realize what we have done... if it's sin not knowing it doesn't change anything; you're still guilty. Psalm 19:12 confirms..."Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults."... Sin weaves it's way through the fabric of our life. It hides itself in our motives, attitudes, behavior, and will. It's so much a part of us that we don't even see it when it's right before our eyes. We know how to spot the obvious...but we don't even look for what is hidden. This is what brings a man to tears and puts him on his knees begging Christ for help and forgiveness. It's truly frightening when the Holy Spirit shows you just how deep your sin goes... Only He can help you... Only He can get into your heart and the source.

Spending time in the word will up-root many hidden sins. Submitting yourself daily to God's word and meditating on it will expose the dark areas that you never new were there. If you long to rid your self of sin and desire to be pure... you will learn that the word of God is a real treasure... a close friend that will keep you from wandering. And when you do wander; it comes after you to bring you back.

It will be your delight... it will become something that you won't forget: Wisdom


Saturday, August 16, 2008


We have this "Serving God" idea all wrong.  We think serving God is teaching a Sunday School class or singing a solo in church.  Things like feeding the homeless in food lines, and buying a gift for a needy child at Christmas often enter the picture as well.  While these are all fine and good the list could go on of Christian 'actions' to be involved in, but this is not what Christ had in mind when he said I'm sending you out as sheep among wolves.  He didn't send us out to picket abortion clinics or argue with a homosexual. He didn't send us out to get in political debates or boycott those we don't agree with. He sent us out 'to be like Him' in front of those who never met Him.  Those who are broken and hurting.  Those who are living life like a sheep without a shepherd... sheep are often messy. He sent us out to be kind, gentle, patient, full of self-control and love. He sent us into the schools, workplaces, and broken homes to love them the way He would... they need to be introduced to Him. They need to meet the One who heals, mends the broken heart, and saves.  They need to see what is most treasured and valuable... Him.

The best way we can serve others is to spend as much time with Him as we possibly can. To know Him... to be like Him. To treasure Him ourself.  To let others see us going through difficult circumstances in a way like they have never seen before.  They need to see us honoring our parents, teachers, employers, and pastors not running them down.  They need to see Christ in us...  "Be ready in season and out of season"  "Always be ready to give an account of the hope that is in you" ( if it is in you )  

Remember where the term "Christian" came from?  It was a 'put-down'... it was an insult thrown upon those who 'looked like that man Christ'.  It actually wasn't an insult at all... it was a great honor.  Would this 'insult' stick if it was thrown at you?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Time Management 101

As a husband and father budgeting money is very important.  If you plan to have a roof over your head and food in your stomach you need to learn how to budget your cash.  Now take on the responsibility of housing and feeding a wife and kids and the responsibility starts feeling quite heavy.  Most today seem to just fall into a mold and work within it; no thought required. You go to school because you have to. You find a major in college because you have to.  You answer the question "What do I want to be when I grow up"... well, because you have to.  You go to work and collect a pay check because it's just what you're supposed to do. Then everyone looks for an escape because there life seems empty and without purpose. The escape often being sports, entertainment, alcohol, sex, travel, etc.  Empty and purposeless... 

We need to wake up!  Get up and budget your time. Make a chart of your week; like a budget. Where are you spending your time and energy?  Is it important... if not get rid of it and use the time more wisely. Does what you spend your time on have eternal value?  Isn't this what the purpose of the Sabbath was all about.  "Pre-determine to set the first day of the week with the Lord". But we always fill the days with self and forget all about Him... What has more value; our will or God's? 

Listen to the determination in Psalm 119:15-16
119:15  "I will meditate on Thy precepts... I will (implied) regard Thy ways"
119:16 "I shall delight in Thy statutes; I shall not forget Thy word"

Are you this determined to spend time with God?  Is He important enough that you make room for Him in your daily schedule?  What would happen if God did an audit of how you used your time rather than your money?  One day He will...


Psalm 119:9-16 Third Read...

Take a look at verses 119: 9-16.  Find where it applies to these daily character traits:

1. Daily Routine / Walk / Everyday life
2. Heart / motives / desires
3. Mind / thoughts
4. Speech / Conversations
5. Attitude
6. Intentions / Goals
7. Will / priorities 

Question: (I want some comments / answers) How does studying about Jesus and reading the gospel of John apply to the areas listed above? How does reading about the women at the well in John 4 apply to my attitude, my thought life, my daily routine?  How does the conversation Jesus has with the pharisees throughout chapter 5 apply to my daily goals and priorities? Or any part of John... How does it apply to me today in the areas highlighted in Psalm 119?

Read...Think... and lets talk about this.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Psalm 119:9-16 Second Read...

Anything we do usually has a reason.  Why do it if you have no purpose? Why do we study, learn, practice, work... everything seems to have an end goal.  (This is why I'm not a big fan of video games; 'what's the purpose'? What am I going to get out of spending hours on this thing other than making it to the next level?) Read every other line in 119:9-16 and you'll see the 'purpose' for it all...

119:9 = To keep your way pure...
119:10 = To not wander from God's commandments...
119:11 = That I may not sin...
119:12 = To learn more about Him...
119:13 = To be able to speak more about Him...
119:14 = To be able to treasure Him more...
119:15-16 = To not forget Him...

And don't miss this - 119:10,11 = The work is done in the heart that shapes the outer actions and thought life.

Don't just focus on 'doing Christian things as the goal' -  focus on developing a heart that treasures Christ more than anything this world has to offer. 


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Psalm 119:9-16 First Full Read...

Full read means I was stuck on Psalm 119:9 for a few days and this is the first time I've read the 'entire'  next section 119: 9-16...

I've had to travel the past several days. Meetings in Atlanta, Miami, and Orlando not leaving much time for 'alone time' with the Lord. But a blessed time none the less...

I've been reading through the Gospel of John preparing to teach it in Sunday school... those reading times gave me a lot to think about while driving to Atlanta, and from Miami to Orlando. I meditated on Chapters 4 and 5 and was almost brought to tears going down the highway. My heart was so overwhelmed with the idea that Jesus sought out the most desperate and was waiting for them. That Jesus is all about revealing Himself to those who seek Him...and the more I have sought; the more He has revealed.  I can't explain in a few paragraphs the joy I have had meditating on these passages.  I actually couldn't wait to get on the airplane so I could have a few hours to read again... I was hungry for more! 

This morning I read Psalm 119:9-16... check this out!

119:10 "With all my heart I have sought Thee"
119:11 "Thy Word I have treasured in my heart"
119:12 "Blessed art Thou, O Lord; Teach me..."
119:15  "I will meditate on Thy precepts..."
119:16 "I shall delight in Thy statutes; I shall not forget Thy word"

In an airport there are all kinds of snacks, magazines, books, ipods, etc... things to help pass the time on a plane. The same is true about life.  Things to listen to while driving, things to read on the couch, things to watch at night on TV, the internet, cell phones, etc... Stuff to cloud your mind with other meaningless stuff.  Why not fill your mind with the Word of God... trust me, you will have a lot to think about.  It's like a well within you that springs up and out and never stops... and it's never meaningless!

You know, come to think of it... I have had more alone time with Him than I had ever thought possible this weekend.

119:14  "I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches"

One more thing... I never noticed the first temptation either. My mind was too busy to notice.
Funny how that works.

119:11 "Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee."

Friday, August 8, 2008

John 4

I'm not really "studying" this yet... but as I'm reading through John here are a few observations:

(1:17) Grace and Truth were realized through Jesus.
>What should be the testimony of the lives of those who proclaim to be His? Do others see Grace and Truth manifested in and through you?

(1:38) "What do you seek"
>Do we even seek?  What are you looking for in Jesus; what do you want from Him?

(2:16) "Stop making My Father's house a house of merchandise"
>Today His house is inside us. (" Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit") -Is it all about stuff and "Christian merchandise"
>He is consumed with zeal for His house... think about that!!  To the point that He'll turn everything over in your life to purify it.

(2:23-25) Jesus doesn't need a fan club!

(4:6) He was sitting by the well...
> Do you put yourself in odd circumstances for the sake of the gospel... Do you put yourself in a position to share with others? Do you make yourself available to be used by God... or are you to busy looking for food and clothing?

(4:14) Do you have a well springing up & out of you full of life (His life)
>You would know it if you did... this would be quite obvious to you and those around you getting wet by your life ( His life in you) splashing out on them...

(4:22) Do you truly know Whom you worship?
>If you knew would worship Him. It would be a natural reaction...
(4:34) Is your food to do His will and accomplish His work?  
>Or are you to busy with your own... 

(4:35) Lift up your eyes and look on the fields.
>Look around you!! He has placed you where He wants you.  Look for all the opportunity He has given you; it may be right in front of you. 

(4:38) ...always be aware that you may have entered an area that someone else has labored in.

(4:41) ...many more believed because of His word.
>Read the Bible... don't just look at circumstances and experiences.  Jesus has much to say if we would just take the time to open the scriptures and listen to Him!

(4:46-54)  This Jesus is more than just a man!  
>He's God in the flesh... John's conclusion in the first chapter of John...

This is good stuff....and we have 17 more chapters to go!  
Trust's better than your favorite TV show.  What would happen if we went after Christ with the same intensity that an athlete goes through trying to make the Olympics.  Isn't it all they think about day and night from about the age of 6.  They shape their entire existence and effort around one goal... a shiny thing hanging around the neck. Applause and fame... endorsements and celebrity. What would happen if you shaped your entire life around one goal... knowing Him?  (Read Philippians 2:1-16)

I'm not trying to see how many people I can convict with this... This is God's finger in my own nose. This is Him "making my way pure" (Psalm 119:9) ... I just thought I would share the love.