Liberty is a word that used to carry a lot of meaning in America. It's slowly losing it's value to debt. You aren't free if you are owned by another; if you have debt you are a slave to the lender. The U.S. economy is held up by debt. Our government is held up by debt. Most homes are held together by debt and borrowing; so much so that 'living within our means' has become a distant cliche. We have worked ourselves into a situation where socialism seems to be the only answer to a lot of people, and that's scary! People have lost all restraint and self-control and they want a government that is equally out of control to come bail them out. People today are willing to give up 'Liberty' and promise for a bowl of soup (Remember this is what got Esau in trouble).
How has this happened and what does this have to do with Psalm 119? There are many social - economic reasons but one root source, Idolatry. We have worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. We have exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man. God has given us over to a depraved mind... (Romans 1:18-32) Man loves man not God. Man serves man not God. Man wants what he wants when he wants it and nobody better get in his way. Now the debt is coming due and man can't pay the bill.
Another thing; Moses passed on his leadership role to Joshua, he had trained him to be his successor. But Joshua was to busy fighting and conquering and didn't train the youth around him in the ways of God; the result was the next generation was given over to idolatry and lost. God's people are always one generation away from apostasy - Spiros Zodhiates
This says it all doesn't it. One generation after another today seems to grow further from God and deeper into apostasy. So much so that most don't even know who God truly is; they just want back into Egypt where they can have food and a roof over there head rather than do the hard thing to be with God. The optimistic way of looking at this is we truly have a mission field full of hurting people all around us and it's growing daily. They don't need 'belief systems' and 'faith programs' they need to see the real God in us. We are supposed to be 'salt and light', and it's getting darker in this country by the day. It's all about REALITY folks, get to know Him for real and quite playing religious games! Then you will have an answer for him who reproaches you (119:42)
*Trust in His word (not your own) 119:42
*Don't allow His Truth to depart from your mouth (discipline and backbone...we need some) 119:43
*Wait for Him (stop pulling out the Visa and Mastercard!) 119:43 ...maybe He put you in a difficult financial situation so you could see Him and depend on Him more like Israel in the desert before the Red Sea. God made them go through the hard stuff so they would grow a little.
*Consistently walk in His Word and keep it diligently! 119:4, 45 He is truly the King and we 'really' need to obey Him... He 'really' is the Creator that 'really' needs to be listened to...
*True Liberty comes from seeking Him!!!! -119:45 We need to preach this!!!! And it's not financial liberty it's spiritual. This is what Jesus was offering in John 4.
*Speak of Him... -119:46 stop being ashamed of our God and his Son. Say the name Jesus... it's the most precious name there is. Don't let some stupid politician scare you from speaking the name of our savior... and yes, His name includes His words and what He stands for TRUTH!
which is what people today really need. You might get in trouble, but in Love let it fly.
*I shall delight in You -119:47 (delight in God not the junk the world seems to offer. Who wants to go in debt for cheap junk when God is offering Himself for free) Don't trade the birthright for a stupid bowl of soup! (Jacob and Esau - remember)
*Come to Him wanting Him...lift your hands to Him and not the local mall and the latest gadget -119:48
*Meditate daily on Him... one day this may be all you have -119:48
But it truly is all you need. -John 4:13-14, 32-34
"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." -Jesus
1 comment:
Amen.I hope we are all growing tired of superficial Christianity. Gods children are real and true about their faith. They are real in their walk, and live for Christ. The greatest liberty in the world is that of a Christian.
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