We tend to think only of sexual purity when we read a verse like this. This is of course something to focus on, but not the only application of this text. Pure means "unmixed"... Like a pure cup of water that does not have anything mixed into it. Moving in a single direction with no distractions; like the soldier in
2 Timothy 2:4 or Paul's words in
Philippians 3. We may gain control over the temptations of pornography but spend all our time playing football video games. We may avoid the magazine stand and run to the video store. Instead of meditating on God's word and allowing Him time to influence our thoughts we cloud are mind with ipods and TV. Our attention is "entertained" in 100 different directions everyday. People make a living in the advertising world creating different ways of gaining your attention...and it's not always in the world of porn; ESPN has a hold on many.
If your pastor prayed and read his Bible as much as you do... what condition would your church be in?
We are called to Glorify God in the way we live, the way we think, the way we speak, what we look at...He looks at. Every aspect of our life is to be "pure" unto this and not mixed with the world (Romans 12:1-2) We are to be "set apart"..."Holy"; A new creature from our very nature outward. So how do we maintain this standard and way of life? ...by keeping it according to Thy word - Psalm 119:9b
1 comment:
Something my parents remind me of often. When we are seeking to overcome a sinful struggle or habit(another word for idol) in our lives, our main objective should not be to simply quit doing it. Along with that, we should be seeking to replace that sin with something else that will be used for our spiritual benefit and growth... To replace it with something else that is God glorifying.
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