Saturday, August 30, 2008

Psalm 119:25-32 Third Read...

There is something very important here that we can't miss. Especially with our blogging and making comments on scripture... we have to prevent our meditating from wondering off into fantasy and become fruitless daydreaming.

119:26a - I have told of my ways... 119:29 - Remove the false way from me...
> Man's ways must be made clear and separated from God's ways. "We have to stay God-Centered and Gospel focused in our thinking."

119:26b - Teach me Thy statues...
> We must learn, read, take notes, listen, ask questions, memorize... absorb!   - then...
119:27a - Make me understand the way of Thy precepts...
> Pray for understanding.  You have to "download" the information correctly before you can work with it... Once you have it ask the question's that help you understand it. In all you do gain understanding... This is the largest problem in the world today - The wrong 'understanding' of the gospel and the word 'believe'.  They have wrongly interpreted (understood) the scriptures. This is a subtle way that Satan will lead you astray. 

119:27b - So I will meditate on Thy wonders
> 1.) Learn it.   2.) Seek to understand correctly what you have learned.   3.) Then meditate on it... You can't get out of this order; if you do you will be walking in dangerous territory.  Make sure your meditating is based on a proper understanding of what you have learned from scripture. 

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