So where is the gospel in Psalm 119? Here is what we have read so far.
119:1 - A man whose way is blameless is blessed.
> This would be Jesus and not us. We must observe and seek His testimonies with all our heart. We must walk in His ways. (119:2-3) We must realize the reality of being "Forsaken of God" (119:8) and understand this is truly what Jesus was going through when God turned His back on Him on the cross when Jesus cried "Father why have You forsaken Me"? He went through this for me!
119:9 - So how can I keep my way pure?
> Unmixed from the world, holy, separate unto God, a true "stranger in the world"(119:19). We seek Him in His word with all our heart. We treasure Him and his words. We speak of them, we rejoice in them, we delight in them, we refuse to forget them and let them fade from our minds and hearts. (119:10-16) Meditating on Him becomes our favorite past time and any chance we get our hearts wonder off to where he is.
This is a perfect ideal, but not so easy for someone who's nature is full of sin and prone to idolatry and wondering off...
119:17 - "Mature" thy servant that I may live and keep Thy word!
> Open my eyes that I may see You. My soul is crushed with longing after You. Take away reproach and contempt from me. I am a stranger in the earth... help me! (119:17-24)
119: 25, 29 - My soul cleaves to the dust... Remove the false way from me.
> I have told of my ways, and You have answered me (confession) My soul weeps because of grief (sin, guilt, frustration) I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Thine ordinances before me, I cleave to Thy Testimonies (Repentance)
> I shall run the way of Thy commandments, For Thou wilt enlarge my heart (Faith in another)
119:33-40 - Lord teach me...
> Teach me O Lord, give me understanding, make me walk in Thy commandments...
>Incline my heart to You. Turn away my eyes from the worlds things.
>Establish Your word in me, Your servant. Produce reverence in me for You.
>Revive me in Your righteousness.
119:41 - May Thy lovingkindness come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word.
> He has...His name is Jesus... "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory..." (John 1:14)
So why doesn't everyone run to Him? They love there ways rather than His. They are arrogant and wander from His commandments (119:20-23) They delight in the world and look only at vanity (119:35-37) They are not grieved over there sin... they don't even see it (119:28-29, 33-34). The only thing there heart seeks is self (119:2,10) The only thing they treasure is self (119:11) The only thing they speak of is self (119:13) The only thing they rejoice in is self (119:14)
Do you see they reality of repentance and faith in Psalm 119:1-40?
David saw it and wrote about it... maybe this is one reason God called him "a man after His own heart".
Where is your heart today?
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