Friday, August 15, 2008

Time Management 101

As a husband and father budgeting money is very important.  If you plan to have a roof over your head and food in your stomach you need to learn how to budget your cash.  Now take on the responsibility of housing and feeding a wife and kids and the responsibility starts feeling quite heavy.  Most today seem to just fall into a mold and work within it; no thought required. You go to school because you have to. You find a major in college because you have to.  You answer the question "What do I want to be when I grow up"... well, because you have to.  You go to work and collect a pay check because it's just what you're supposed to do. Then everyone looks for an escape because there life seems empty and without purpose. The escape often being sports, entertainment, alcohol, sex, travel, etc.  Empty and purposeless... 

We need to wake up!  Get up and budget your time. Make a chart of your week; like a budget. Where are you spending your time and energy?  Is it important... if not get rid of it and use the time more wisely. Does what you spend your time on have eternal value?  Isn't this what the purpose of the Sabbath was all about.  "Pre-determine to set the first day of the week with the Lord". But we always fill the days with self and forget all about Him... What has more value; our will or God's? 

Listen to the determination in Psalm 119:15-16
119:15  "I will meditate on Thy precepts... I will (implied) regard Thy ways"
119:16 "I shall delight in Thy statutes; I shall not forget Thy word"

Are you this determined to spend time with God?  Is He important enough that you make room for Him in your daily schedule?  What would happen if God did an audit of how you used your time rather than your money?  One day He will...


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