"My life is hell unless I look like the person on that magazine, so I'm going to work out at the gym everyday until I have that body"; that would be heaven. Who's the savior? The gym and the trainer, the diet, the health food lifestyle. These are the things that get the person out of the hell they think they are in and offer them what they think would be heaven.
"My life is hell unless I'm successful and make a lot of money, so I have to go to the best schools and get the right job to give me what I want. Who's the savior? Education and work...
My life is hell unless I drive a certain type of car...
My life is hell unless I dress and appear a certain way...
My life is hell unless I have the latest computer and technology...
My life is hell unless I fit in with a certain crowd...
My life is hell unless I have a certain size house on the best side of town...
My life is hell unless I have the best furniture and my house looks a certain way...
My lie is hell unless I have a certain size ministry...
Take a look at yourself and determine what drives you. What do you want? What do you live for? What do you think is heaven? Your life is hell without_____________, your life would be heaven with________________.
What motive sets your goals each day? What are you trying to achieve and why? This is how you find the idols in your life.
Watch TV and ask yourself what are they trying to tell me. What are they trying to sell me? Not just the commercials either. The lifestyle's they portray, the politics they push through every show. The trends they want you to buy in to... They lust after power and influence so they try to get you hooked on something so you'll need them. You'll find that they are very spiritual... Sex is a god, money is a god, education is a god, success is a god, clothing is a god, technology is a god, and so on... people get up everyday and serve__________to get more of there god_____________.
Repentance is turning from these god's and turning to Christ. Not running to Him thinking He'll give you the other stuff if you "tithe enough"... Realizing your life is Hell without Him and giving it all up to just have Him. He's the savior, He's the treasure, He's the pearl of great price. Everything else is just empty and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. He fills you with a well that never ceases to flow...Himself. Don't try to manipulate Him to get something from Him. Just go after Him...
119:36-38 "Incline my heart to Thy testimonies, And not to dishonest gain. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Thy ways. Establish Thy word to Thy servant, As that which produces reverence for Thee.
Where is your heart? What are you looking at? What do you serve?
1 comment:
I like this idea of "if you dont have _____ then your life is hell. Because you can fill that blank with any idol you have. My idol I had a problem with was football. I love football, has some of you may know.My day was,eat,sleep,football. When I wasnt playing I was dreaming of that winning touchdown or obsessed with the video games. My bible would stay at the exact place sunday to sunday, sometimes not even leave the car. I did not have much knowledge in the bible just the basic stories, I could not pray if I did it would not mean anything. In the year of 07 I was hit with that I could not play football, and that would mean my last year of football(because im homeschooled)it broke me. But then it revealed to me that God broke that idol down because I put him at the bottom(Exodus 20:5) But now my life would be hell without Him. He changed me from football to Him. I encourage yall to relize that YOUR life would be hell without Him, and replace that idol.
"With all my heart I seek tee"
“ My soul clings to the dust,give me life according to your word”
“ My soul melts away for sorrow, strengthen me according to your word”
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