Look at the motive of the prayer:
119:33 - "Teach me, O Lord...
119:34 - "Give me understanding...help me keep it with all my heart
119:35 - "Make me walk in Thy path...
This is a student that is coming to the classroom of scripture ready to learn. His hand is out and his mind is ready and "tuned in". He wants to learn. He sees the benefit of what he will receive. He isn't playing games... he's finally serious and ready to do what it takes to learn from the Master. Both verses 33 and 34 he says; "I shall observe it". He plans to put what he learns into action... This is where we need to be every morning when we wake up and start a new day with God...
How do we get here? How do we get to where we can say; "I delight in it"?
We start by praying this:
119:36 - "Incline my heart to Thy testimonies, and not to dishonest gain."
119:37 - "Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity...
119:38 - "...produce, in me, reverence for Thee
119:39 - "Turn away my reproach..."
119:40 - "...revive me through righteousness"
This is where we must begin before we are ready to say "Lord, teach me..."
The foundation is first poured in the heart before the mind can be developed and built up properly. If the heart isn't right the mind will not stand...
1 comment:
This has nothing to do with the Psalm study, but I thought I'd share it anyway. This is what my dad said about last Sunday's John study. Christ turning the water into wine was a symbol of conversion. Wine purifies water. Christ purified the filthy, unclean water with wine. In the same way, Christ purifies our filthy, unclean, wretched, wicked, depraved, hell-bounded, and sinful hearts, souls, and minds with Himself. What an amazing allusion!
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