One line caught me... "Thy statues are my songs..." -119:54
As an artist I understand that 'real art' comes from the heart. It is not 'art' if it has no meaning, it has to say something. It's not just skill and training. I would rather look at a Van Gogh, which has his life poured into his paintings, than some photographic image that someone reproduced. I would rather listen to a blues guitar player that can make you cry rather than a classical trained musician that just plays a bunch of well organized notes. - get the point?
In Matthew 15:18 Jesus said, "The things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart..." He was saying this in relation to where the actual source of sin is - the heart.
You can see what is on the heart of a culture by what kind of art that culture produces. (paintings, music, literature, etc.) Look at the movies, posters and books/magazines (be careful) and you'll see real fast the condition and heartbeat of our culture. Move ahead in time 400 years and look back at the "art" of today and you'll know what's been on our heart... the answer is Jesus' conclusion in Matthew 15:19 = "Evil thoughts, murders, fornication, theft, lying, slander" - this is painted all over the media, and this is what people sing about today. Have you heard a Rap song lately? Have you payed attention to the covers at the movie store?
David was a song writer; a real one. The book of Psalms is David pouring out his heart to God in song. It wasn't something he just decided to do one day. He couldn't help himself, it was a natural outpouring of his heart. A real artist isn't one who just paints well; he is able to see the world in a way others don't, and then paints what he sees. Music is in the heart, the ear, the soul; the instrument is just a tool to get the real music out. Visual art is in the eye, the heart, and the mind; the paint brush is just a tool as well. Too many people spend a lifetime trying to develop the instrument (tool) and the hand forgetting all about the heart. We want to get to the applause over the song or the painting which is nothing but sick pride. Spend time with God developing your heart... the rest will, and should, come naturally as an overflow of the heart.
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
Was David writing this when he was King over Israel? Or while he was still just a "shepherd?" Or do we even know? Just wondered....
Was David writing this when he was King over Israel? Or while he was still just a "shepherd?" Or do we even know? Just wondered....
"You will reconize them by their Fruits."(Matthew 7:16) When you do spend time in the word and do pray and dwell with God every day,your fruit will grow,you will become more of a man of God than you were a couple of days ago. Pray that we would do this and He "incline our hearts to Him,to walk in His ways and keep His commandments ,His statutes ,and His rules(1 Kings 8:58
do you think in that
veres he is also taking adout the unbelievers also in the same respect to what he says " you will know them by there fruits"?
Yes, when you read Matt.7:15-20. Jesus is refering to Healthy and unhealthy fruit."A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit."
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