We have this "Serving God" idea all wrong. We think serving God is teaching a Sunday School class or singing a solo in church. Things like feeding the homeless in food lines, and buying a gift for a needy child at Christmas often enter the picture as well. While these are all fine and good the list could go on of Christian 'actions' to be involved in, but this is not what Christ had in mind when he said I'm sending you out as sheep among wolves. He didn't send us out to picket abortion clinics or argue with a homosexual. He didn't send us out to get in political debates or boycott those we don't agree with. He sent us out 'to be like Him' in front of those who never met Him. Those who are broken and hurting. Those who are living life like a sheep without a shepherd... sheep are often messy. He sent us out to be kind, gentle, patient, full of self-control and love. He sent us into the schools, workplaces, and broken homes to love them the way He would... they need to be introduced to Him. They need to meet the One who heals, mends the broken heart, and saves. They need to see what is most treasured and valuable... Him.
The best way we can serve others is to spend as much time with Him as we possibly can. To know Him... to be like Him. To treasure Him ourself. To let others see us going through difficult circumstances in a way like they have never seen before. They need to see us honoring our parents, teachers, employers, and pastors not running them down. They need to see Christ in us... "Be ready in season and out of season" "Always be ready to give an account of the hope that is in you" ( if it is in you )
Remember where the term "Christian" came from? It was a 'put-down'... it was an insult thrown upon those who 'looked like that man Christ'. It actually wasn't an insult at all... it was a great honor. Would this 'insult' stick if it was thrown at you?
Amen.... This is so true.
"He sent us to "be like Him."
Love the blog Bro.Scott. It is a great blessing to have you.
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