119:9 = To keep your way pure...
119:10 = To not wander from God's commandments...
119:11 = That I may not sin...
119:12 = To learn more about Him...
119:13 = To be able to speak more about Him...
119:14 = To be able to treasure Him more...
119:15-16 = To not forget Him...
And don't miss this - 119:10,11 = The work is done in the heart that shapes the outer actions and thought life.
Don't just focus on 'doing Christian things as the goal' - focus on developing a heart that treasures Christ more than anything this world has to offer.
Yea this is especially true with my quiet time. Some times I don't feel like reading or spending time with the Lord, but he gives me that extra boost of streghth to keep going on. It's well worth it in the end.
I think that the more and more that we treasure and spend time in the Word the more we come to love it and not want to stop. Read Matthew 6:21.
Now, what is your treasure?
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