Thursday, August 14, 2008

Psalm 119:9-16 Second Read...

Anything we do usually has a reason.  Why do it if you have no purpose? Why do we study, learn, practice, work... everything seems to have an end goal.  (This is why I'm not a big fan of video games; 'what's the purpose'? What am I going to get out of spending hours on this thing other than making it to the next level?) Read every other line in 119:9-16 and you'll see the 'purpose' for it all...

119:9 = To keep your way pure...
119:10 = To not wander from God's commandments...
119:11 = That I may not sin...
119:12 = To learn more about Him...
119:13 = To be able to speak more about Him...
119:14 = To be able to treasure Him more...
119:15-16 = To not forget Him...

And don't miss this - 119:10,11 = The work is done in the heart that shapes the outer actions and thought life.

Don't just focus on 'doing Christian things as the goal' -  focus on developing a heart that treasures Christ more than anything this world has to offer. 



Anonymous said...

Yea this is especially true with my quiet time. Some times I don't feel like reading or spending time with the Lord, but he gives me that extra boost of streghth to keep going on. It's well worth it in the end.

Hunter C. said...

I think that the more and more that we treasure and spend time in the Word the more we come to love it and not want to stop. Read Matthew 6:21.
Now, what is your treasure?