119:10 - "Do not let me wonder" = Do not let me sin through ignorance, unintentionally breaking God's law.
Sin is sin...even though we may not mean to do something, or don't realize what we have done... if it's sin not knowing it doesn't change anything; you're still guilty. Psalm 19:12 confirms..."Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults."... Sin weaves it's way through the fabric of our life. It hides itself in our motives, attitudes, behavior, and will. It's so much a part of us that we don't even see it when it's right before our eyes. We know how to spot the obvious...but we don't even look for what is hidden. This is what brings a man to tears and puts him on his knees begging Christ for help and forgiveness. It's truly frightening when the Holy Spirit shows you just how deep your sin goes... Only He can help you... Only He can get into your heart and the source.
Spending time in the word will up-root many hidden sins. Submitting yourself daily to God's word and meditating on it will expose the dark areas that you never new were there. If you long to rid your self of sin and desire to be pure... you will learn that the word of God is a real treasure... a close friend that will keep you from wandering. And when you do wander; it comes after you to bring you back.
It will be your delight... it will become something that you won't forget: Wisdom
Just a thought on this. I have noticed that while reading through this Psalm, David is continually aware of his tendency to fall into sin.He is a man who has experienced sin and its consequences. He knows what God does to those who rebel against Him and do not obey His Word, and doesn't want to do that. Look at the passion that comes from someone who realizes their weakness and knows that God is the only way of redemption. And because he realizes this, it causes David to seek after Him even harder. In the same way, when God shows us our sin, and our weakness, it directs us to Him. And causes us to seek God, and to run after Him. It is far easier to spend time with Him when He is all we have to believe in. In other words, when we are aware of who we really are, and what Christ did for us, out of that comes our strength. Out of that comes our joy. When that is real in our lives, we grow closer to God.
1 John 4:10
In this is love, not that we loved Him, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
BOOM! I think he gets it!
Ethan, I love what you said about our sin and how it it makes us run back to Christ.All you other guys who struggle with your sin, I have a verse, Romans 7:19 "For the good that wish to do, I do not do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish." Guys, Paul is not trying to comfort the unbelievers,he's talking to believers. If you don't have a DAILY struggle with your sin, check your heart.
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