(1:17) Grace and Truth were realized through Jesus.
>What should be the testimony of the lives of those who proclaim to be His? Do others see Grace and Truth manifested in and through you?
(1:38) "What do you seek"
>Do we even seek? What are you looking for in Jesus; what do you want from Him?
(2:16) "Stop making My Father's house a house of merchandise"
>Today His house is inside us. (" Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit") -Is it all about stuff and "Christian merchandise"
>He is consumed with zeal for His house... think about that!! To the point that He'll turn everything over in your life to purify it.
(2:23-25) Jesus doesn't need a fan club!
(4:6) He was sitting by the well...
> Do you put yourself in odd circumstances for the sake of the gospel... Do you put yourself in a position to share with others? Do you make yourself available to be used by God... or are you to busy looking for food and clothing?
(4:14) Do you have a well springing up & out of you full of life (His life).
>You would know it if you did... this would be quite obvious to you and those around you getting wet by your life ( His life in you) splashing out on them...
(4:22) Do you truly know Whom you worship?
>If you knew Him...you would worship Him. It would be a natural reaction...
(4:34) Is your food to do His will and accomplish His work?
>Or are you to busy with your own...
(4:35) Lift up your eyes and look on the fields.
>Look around you!! He has placed you where He wants you. Look for all the opportunity He has given you; it may be right in front of you.
(4:38) ...always be aware that you may have entered an area that someone else has labored in.
(4:41) ...many more believed because of His word.
>Read the Bible... don't just look at circumstances and experiences. Jesus has much to say if we would just take the time to open the scriptures and listen to Him!
(4:46-54) This Jesus is more than just a man!
>He's God in the flesh... John's conclusion in the first chapter of John...
This is good stuff....and we have 17 more chapters to go!
Trust me...it's better than your favorite TV show. What would happen if we went after Christ with the same intensity that an athlete goes through trying to make the Olympics. Isn't it all they think about day and night from about the age of 6. They shape their entire existence and effort around one goal... a shiny thing hanging around the neck. Applause and fame... endorsements and celebrity. What would happen if you shaped your entire life around one goal... knowing Him? (Read Philippians 2:1-16)
I'm not trying to see how many people I can convict with this... This is God's finger in my own nose. This is Him "making my way pure" (Psalm 119:9) ... I just thought I would share the love.
Reading through the book of john has been really edifing. In the first couple chapters of John. Jesus is already taking every opportunity to witness. my favorite is the samariton at the well. Jesus use that to show that He is both the living water and God in flesh.I love that. I thank we need to take every opportunity to be like Christ and to witness.
Reading through the book of john has been really edifing. In the first couple chapters of John. Jesus is already taking every opportunity to witness. my favorite is the samariton at the well. Jesus use that to show that He is both the living water and God in flesh.I love that. I thank we need to take every opportunity to be like Christ and to witness.
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