Saturday, July 26, 2008


"How can a young man keep his way pure"...

More questions:
Does the young man want to be pure? Or does he want just want to be seen as good?
Does the young man even know what "Pure" means? 
By what standard do we determine what is truly "Pure"?  Those around you or the One that really sees your heart?
What does this young man have to give up to achieve this end?  Is he willing to do what it takes?
What does it mean to "keep" and how much commitment is there on my end?
What if you're not "Young"; is it to late to start?   - quick answer...NO, it's never too late!

Read Romans 8 (Yes...all of it)
What do you set your mind on each day?

Think! Don't just pass over;  spend time thinking about these questions. Ask God in truth.
more later... -scott


Anonymous said...

to the frist more Q. well that is a matter of wether you are a chrsitain or not beaues if you arnt a christain you dont care wether you are pure from a the junk thats out there.

Anonymous said...

well ive found it easyer to just simply walk away form what ever is going on that you or you know that your parents would not approve of or just when you are tempted to do somthign you know that would diefile you simply pray to God that he would deliver you form what ever you about to do 8)

scott campbell said...

Cool Jacob, you got it on the first question. I really saw this as being a true test to the "reality of the new birth" Before I was truly Born Again I didn't care about being "pure" or my life conforming to Christ. Now it's the main drive in my heart... I fail often, but I'm at the same time driven to repent when I do fail by my conscience (the Holy Spirit); before I could do some awful things and it never bothered me.

On your second comment...the fact that you have the desire to "walk away" says a lot. The fact that you are aware of the things that will hurt you and have a desire to honor your parents is awesome. The more you linger over scripture the sharper your "radar" will get and the more sensitive you will be to what does not honor God.