Thursday, July 24, 2008

God Has Manifested Himself (Revealed)

Last night our associate pastor preached from Titus 1:1-3.  The main focus was the reality that God has manifested, at the proper time, His Truth, His Gospel, His Self.  He did this in and through his word... and this sure word is made known by proclaiming it.  Not by entertaining lost people into the church with cool coffee shops and games.  Not by wild experiences and "Christian side shows". But by the preaching and proclaiming of his Word.  

God manifests Himself through His word.  John said in 1 John 1:2-4 "The Word of Life was manifested... and what we have seen and heard we proclaim".  In John 1:14  "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory".  This is speaking of the reality of God becoming a man - Jesus Christ - and John, along with others, beheld Him.  They saw Him, spoke to Him, walked with Him, listened to Him, and then proclaimed what they saw.  This is our calling as well (2 Corinthians  5:18-21) 

How and where do we see Him today.  How do we have fellowship with God... How do we draw near to Him (Hebrews 10:19-25)  "In and through His Word".  He speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer; it's that simple.  So, why does playstation, TV, and sports have more of a hold on us than the fact we can actually talk direct to the One who created and sustains everything?  Why are we drawn more to the things of this world rather than the things of God?  One word....SIN.  "He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rise again on their behalf" - 2 Cor. 5:15  Some hear that and scream AMEN...and others yawn because it sounds boring. 

Does your heart say with the Psalmist in Psalm 119: 5
"Oh that my ways may be established to keep Thy statutes?"

Do you long to be blameless in His sight by walking in His Law? (vrs. 119:1)
Do you seek desperately for Him in His Word?  (vrs. 119:2)
Do you desire to be righteous and want to walk in His ways rather than your own? (vrs. 119:3)

Well, He has ordained His precepts (Word) that we should keep them... (vrs. 119:4)
So why don't we?  Is it because you have allowed the world to entertain the desire for God right out of your life? Is it because what is manifested on the 'Big Screen" is more exciting than the God of Glory manifesting Himself to you through the Bible?  Is the latest version of ipod more interesting than scripture?  

If these words are hitting a little close to home... please check where you are living.  Your house may be built on sand... -scott


santress said...

you are so right. So many times we
rush into the presence of God with our want list --- and then speed off
to do other things --- when we should
stand silent surrounded by His glory,
and reflect on the very power that sustains our lives. How much richer we would be.


scott campbell said...

James 4:1-4,8-10 deals with this...