This is a great verse to follow 119:112 "I have inclined my heart to perform Thy statutes..."
There are a lot of 'religious performers' out there today.
And never stop to think that you ( or I ) may be one... at any given moment we are fully capable of putting on a religious veneer and appearing to be something we are not. Many make it a way of life and never know it... This is to the heart of Jesus' comment to the Pharisees ' You are white-washed tombs'... look like one thing on the outside and dead on the inside. The worst part is even when confronted with it they did not see it. ( see also Luke 18:9-14 ) God desires our heart and will to be directed to Him... Our actions then follow ( Psalm 119:105-108) Instead we hold on to our will and direct our heart wherever we please and then throw Him a few religious actions once or twice a week. Hosea 6:6 - "I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings". He wants us to long for Him like a young couple in the beginning of courtship long for each other. He wants us to ache for Him when we lose track of where He is. He wants us to simply love Him...
Instead we love what we want and often never give Him a second glance. What kind of marriage would we have if we treated each other the same way we treat God. What kind of relationship would that be? Isn't this why we are given the examples in Ephesians 5 - Philippians 2 - and 1 Timothy etc... What kind of preacher should we seek: one who speaks well or who is a 'one women man', one who is a great manager or one who is a great father?
We live in a world that does everything it can to pull a mans attention in every direction and corrupt him. And then offers hope in anything except the Lord... we are truly like sheep led to a slaughter. Wide is the road that leads to destruction. We also live in a world that promotes 'religion' and accepts a man who is on the outside 'religious' and on the inside corrupt and vile.
They are often our Sunday School teachers... Choir directors... youth pastors... and even pastors. But what you must see... they are all first men, husbands, and fathers. The attack today on the home is unbelievable and even worse is that it starts in the elementary schools... kids are being raised to put on a mask; not believing in anything or standing for anything other than political correctness. And then when they get home what do they see.... When they get to a church ( if they even do ) what do they see? What do they hear? Do they hear religious words - empty theology that sounds great but isn't explained. Do they see dad putting on his mask every Sunday? Or do they see a man serving others and stumbling after his God? Why should they believe what the world is teaching is so wrong when they observe 'dad' playing with religion on Sunday and being entertained by the world all week?
We must stop doing Christian things and start being truly Christ like. Take off the stupid mask... it really isn't hiding anything. I agree with David... I hate those who are double-minded - mainly because I often see it in me.
I too worry about what my life outwardly shows -- compared to where my heart truly is. I fear I am not nearly as spiritual as I appear. I am so caught up with "stuff" and opinions -- God help me to put on Christ -- He is all I need
Super entry. Great reminder to let our "Light" shine all the time, not only when we want to impress those we deem spiritual. Man sees the outward appearance, God sees the heart.
Thanks... it's amazing how we all tend to "perform" and function out of religious habits rather than actually deal with a real relationship with a real God. The scary thing is so many have "performed" for so long they don't even realize what is real and what is performance. The best thing I have ever done is "step off the stage" and let God deal with me personally and just get real within my own home. It hurts... people talk... but God becomes more real. Then you truly have a light to shine with rather than a man made bulb.
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