Saturday, April 4, 2009

Where are you at?

Well, it's been a while since I have posted anything. I have been reading a lot; just to busy to actually post anything. 

In spite of all the economic and political issues we seem to be hearing daily, things are good... God is still Sovereign, and nothing has slipped by Him. We just have our priorities out of order as a people. Seems like we are back to the tower of Babel all over again trying to build our little thing to reach the sky. As Jeremiah said, ( and I paraphrase) "You cut down a tree... burn part of it and warm yourself... make the other half into an idol and bow down to it!??!" Man continually worships and serves the creation rather than the Creator... Man continually professes to be wise and shows himself the fool. And God continually gives man over to a depraved mind... Just listen to the nightly news and you will hear it daily... man showing just how ignorant he can become when he refuses to acknowledge God. God sits on his thrown and scoffs... and so He should. 

Where does wisdom come from? Where is understanding? Where is "True Knowledge" found?
Where can we get trustworthy council? Where can we lean and hope? Where is security? Where is comfort? Where can we just escape? ( yes you can put down the remote and the video game controller) - SCRIPTURE! 

Read Psalm 119:97-104, 105 ( I won't comment yet, but would love to hear yours )
I've also started reading through Kings and Chronicles... along with finishing up teaching in the Book of John. 

Where are you at? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Dache Johnson
a. larry ross communications