Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Psalm 119:9 Part 3

We tend to think only of sexual purity when we read a verse like this.  This is of course something to focus on, but not the only application of this text.  Pure means "unmixed"... Like a pure cup of water that does not have anything mixed into it.  Moving in a single direction with no distractions; like the soldier in 2 Timothy 2:4 or Paul's words in Philippians 3.  We may gain control over the temptations of pornography but spend all our time playing football video games. We may avoid the magazine stand and run to the video store.  Instead of meditating on God's word and allowing Him time to influence our thoughts we cloud are mind with ipods and TV. Our attention is "entertained" in 100 different directions everyday.  People make a living in the advertising world creating different ways of gaining your attention...and it's not always in the world of porn; ESPN has a hold on many.  

If your pastor prayed and read his Bible as much as you do... what condition would your church be in?

We are called to Glorify God in the way we live, the way we think, the way we speak, what we look at...He looks at.  Every aspect of our life is to be "pure" unto this and not mixed with the world (Romans 12:1-2) We are to be "set apart"..."Holy"; A new creature from our very nature outward.  So how do we maintain this standard and way of life? keeping it according to Thy word - Psalm 119:9b

Monday, July 28, 2008

Psalm 119:9 Part 2

Here are some verses that go along with the truth of keeping your way "Pure".  Focusing on your thought life, your heart, your priorities and choices. These will really help "Keep your way pure" and "Look at the way you are already on".  

1 Peter 1:13-16
2 Timothy 2:4 and 2:15 , 23
Titus 1:15-16 and 2:11-13
1 John 1:5-7 and 2:15-16
John 4:34
Matthew 15:15-20
Matthew 12:33-37
Matthew 6:19-24
1 Corinthians 10:31
1 Corinthians 9:23-27
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Spend some time with these verse and think - Does a contractor that is building a house look at the blueprints at the beginning of the week and then proceed to build the house without looking at the plans all week until the next week? Or does he carry them with him and check everything he does by the blueprint making sure he is not building something wrong. How important are blueprints to the success of a house being built right? How much time do builders take studying the blueprints for what they are building?  How much more important is your life and God's blueprint for it...scripture? Shouldn't you look at it a little more often? 

Saturday, July 26, 2008


"How can a young man keep his way pure"...

More questions:
Does the young man want to be pure? Or does he want just want to be seen as good?
Does the young man even know what "Pure" means? 
By what standard do we determine what is truly "Pure"?  Those around you or the One that really sees your heart?
What does this young man have to give up to achieve this end?  Is he willing to do what it takes?
What does it mean to "keep" and how much commitment is there on my end?
What if you're not "Young"; is it to late to start?   - quick answer...NO, it's never too late!

Read Romans 8 (Yes...all of it)
What do you set your mind on each day?

Think! Don't just pass over;  spend time thinking about these questions. Ask God in truth.
more later... -scott

Thursday, July 24, 2008

God Has Manifested Himself (Revealed)

Last night our associate pastor preached from Titus 1:1-3.  The main focus was the reality that God has manifested, at the proper time, His Truth, His Gospel, His Self.  He did this in and through his word... and this sure word is made known by proclaiming it.  Not by entertaining lost people into the church with cool coffee shops and games.  Not by wild experiences and "Christian side shows". But by the preaching and proclaiming of his Word.  

God manifests Himself through His word.  John said in 1 John 1:2-4 "The Word of Life was manifested... and what we have seen and heard we proclaim".  In John 1:14  "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory".  This is speaking of the reality of God becoming a man - Jesus Christ - and John, along with others, beheld Him.  They saw Him, spoke to Him, walked with Him, listened to Him, and then proclaimed what they saw.  This is our calling as well (2 Corinthians  5:18-21) 

How and where do we see Him today.  How do we have fellowship with God... How do we draw near to Him (Hebrews 10:19-25)  "In and through His Word".  He speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer; it's that simple.  So, why does playstation, TV, and sports have more of a hold on us than the fact we can actually talk direct to the One who created and sustains everything?  Why are we drawn more to the things of this world rather than the things of God?  One word....SIN.  "He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rise again on their behalf" - 2 Cor. 5:15  Some hear that and scream AMEN...and others yawn because it sounds boring. 

Does your heart say with the Psalmist in Psalm 119: 5
"Oh that my ways may be established to keep Thy statutes?"

Do you long to be blameless in His sight by walking in His Law? (vrs. 119:1)
Do you seek desperately for Him in His Word?  (vrs. 119:2)
Do you desire to be righteous and want to walk in His ways rather than your own? (vrs. 119:3)

Well, He has ordained His precepts (Word) that we should keep them... (vrs. 119:4)
So why don't we?  Is it because you have allowed the world to entertain the desire for God right out of your life? Is it because what is manifested on the 'Big Screen" is more exciting than the God of Glory manifesting Himself to you through the Bible?  Is the latest version of ipod more interesting than scripture?  

If these words are hitting a little close to home... please check where you are living.  Your house may be built on sand... -scott

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Psalm119:1-8 Fifth Read

Verse 7: "I shall give thanks to Thee with uprightness of heart, 
                 When I learn Thy righteous judgements."

To be thankful is a command.  (see Philippians 4:6-7) How can we be anything but thankful in view of what God has done for us in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5: 17-21 -notice the "if" in vrs's important) But what we are often found thanking God for is the stuff he has given us. Or what we are often running to Him in prayer about is more stuff or for Him to fix the stuff that has been broken.  Everything revolves around us and our stuff... this is being man-centered not God-centered.  Look at Hosea 13:4-6 = They were delivered to a promise land, and when they got to the promise land they forgot the hand that delivered them. (Read Deuteronomy 6:4-12) 

Have you ever just been thankful for the fact that God has given you His words?  Have you ever been thankful that He has given you the ability to learn them?  If we were given over to ourselves and our depraved minds without a word from God, a judgement or a precept we would be hopeless.  Everything we have is from Him. The air we breathe, the talents we have, the mental capacity to learn, and His Holy Spirit directing our depraved minds.  Our nature is corrupt and therefore everything flowing out of it is corrupted. Our only real hope is for that nature to be changed, and that is what God has offered us in Christ - a new nature!

(vrs. 119:7) It is He that gives us the "upright heart".  It is He that gives us "understanding and the ability to learn".  And it is His Truth that we so desperately need... need to keep. And it is his ability (grace) that is given to us so that we may indeed "Keep" His words...

So that we may not be "forsaken by God utterly" (vrs 119:8)  or just plainly "left to ourselves and our own thoughts". (Romans 1:21-32)

Read Davids prayer in 1 Chronicles 29:13-20.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is the Purpose for this Blog?

I wanted to clarify what my purpose for doing this is.  

There seems to be a real disconnect between "Normal everyday life" and "Church".  One is Monday through Saturday and the other is only on Sunday.  There also seems to be a need for people to understand that the Bible is for everyday.  Not just something a priest or pastor (some pastors think they are priests) handles on Sunday and we sit back and smile and not really have a clue how to do what they just said...(Some really don't say anything at all; we'll deal with that later).  Our youth (I get to help teach a 9th grade SS Class) need to see just how special and important the Bible is. They need to value it (the main subject matter in Psalm 119), they need to "READ IT", they need to be transformed by it; as do I!  

Psalm 119 digs through this. Verse after verse is on the value of scripture in the life of an individual.  I want to fully grasp this in my own life, and help my son do the same.  As I go through Psalm 119 I am going to blog my notes and thoughts as I apply this to myself.  I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE A THEOLOGIAN,  just a church member who wants to be more like Christ. I want to be a better husband, father, son, and employee and if I can help others as I travel along then all the better.  

We are about to start a study in John's gospel.  "That is the study" ...Psalm 119 speaks about how important it is to spend time in the scripture learning about our sin and our savior.  John is about our savior!! So Psalm 119 in a sense is telling you to dig into John...get it?  

So in this blog you will see both a lot about Psalm 119 and a lot about what we are going to start the first of August in John's gospel.  For some that seems like to much... it's only too much when you have to many idols laying around getting in the way of your time.  Make time...wrap your mind around the things of God rather than the things of this world (again-Psalm 119) -The more you focus on Him... the better off you'll be in this world (not a prosperity message). The world needs more of Him;  the problem is often we don't want what we need (John 1:9-11; Philippians 3:13-21) read these verses and think about it!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Psalm119:1-8 Fourth Read

I still have in my mind the sermons we heard yesterday (Sunday July 20).  The main subject matter across the board was "Knowing that you are in the Faith".  With that in mind when I read Psalm 119:1-8 this morning I couldn't help but think "these words sound like they are coming from a man with a truly changed heart" Verses 1-3 aren't something to do... but something that is a reality in a true believers life. 

vrs 1 = "Whose way is blameless" 
             "Who walk in the law"
vrs 2=  "Who observe His testimonies"
             "Who seek him with all their heart"
vrs 3 = "They do no unrighteousness"
             "They walk in His ways"...

This is a daily reality, a pattern, an observation someone could easily make about themself. They realize "God has ordained His precepts for us to keep diligently" (vrs 4)

They long for it to be established in their life so they will not be ashamed before God. (vrs 5-6)

The desire of their heart is to be able to give thanks to God with the right heart and mind...
His statutes are what controls their thinking, not conforming to the world (vrs 7) (Romans 8:5-14; Romans 12:1-2)

The biggest fear is to be forsaken of God...(vrs 8)  His presence is what we live for!  And think about what hurt Christ the most - it wasn't the Roman soldiers and the nails. What hurt him the most was carrying our sin and being forsaken by His Father.  This is what he sweat drops of blood over... This is what He cried from the cross; "Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me"... If only we had the same view of sin that He had! Maybe we would ache to be with him more...  -Scott

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How do You Know You're Saved?

I've been thinking about the questions Don Currin raised in this morning's service about knowing within yourself that you are truly 'born again' out of 2 Corinthians 4 and 5.  A knowledge that goes far deeper than just simply remembering  a 'decision time' in your life.  

I remember going to a guy I had talked bad about behind his back and asking him to forgive me.  The look on his face was priceless.  I remember apologizing to my wife for lies I had told.  I remember the feeling I had the first time I heard the song  "It is Well with My Soul" from a church choir; considering I used to listen to and play Ozzy Osbourne's music.  I couldn't get the smile off my face... and I still can't.  I remember how easy it was to say 'I believe in God' but how hard it was to say the name Jesus.  Now He's all I want to talk about.  The word 'God' isn't hard to say... you won't offend a soul by proclaiming it... but say the name Jesus and you'll get some attention... Attention I now want because it is associated with Him.  My closest friends and family are my church... A place I used to avoid.  I am sitting at home alone; my wife and kids visiting their grandmother, and the temptations that once raged within me are not what they once were. Temptation to watch shows I shouldn't, look at web sites I shouldn't, go places I should not go. I'm actually angry at the stuff rather than drawn to it.  Not because I'm some 'New Moral Man', but because I don't want to hurt the One who died for me... I don't want to sacrifice the fellowship I have with him right now; it's not worth it... His presence is everything; not to mention I love my wife more than I ever have and I don't want to do anything to hurt her.  I want to look for ways to build her up...and it makes me mad that there is something out there that wants to tempt me away from what is truly valuable and offer me what is utterly horrid.

Yes...I know He saved me!  The night I cried out and simply said "Help" "Please do something, I can't go on any longer as I am... a wretched, worm of a man who is a lying, self-centered, self-serving slug"... from that night on I have been a new creature. The old things did pass away, and all things are new... and are growing every day.  Praise His name for seeking me when I wouldn't give Him the time of day.  Praise Him for confronting me with my sin...and continually confronting me with it. I would be lost without every way.

"I shall give thanks to Thee with uprightness of heart, When I learn Thy righteous judgments"
Psalm 119:7   -Scott

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Psalm119:1-8 Third Read

What does it mean to be Blessed?  Is it material blessing, houses, money, clothes, no stress in life?  Is it "Ease of life"?  Is it talent and job success?  Is it a big ministry, a large church, lots of numbers?  My answer in short - NO!  Look a Jesus; there was none more righteous than He and His righteousness led Him to a Cross.  The disciples were all killed and persecuted for "Walking in the Law of God" and "Seeking to know Him".  Countless others, even today, are murdered for His Name.  But we in America think our righteousness will make us rich and famous?  Blessed means "Blessed of God"  not "Blessed by man".  Life is hard for the believer.  "Narrow is the gate, and few are those who enter". The gate is narrow and so is the road that leads to it.  But oh how blessed is the man that seeks to walk on the narrow road.  He's a man that will quickly get back on it when he slips.  He's a man that continually seeks to make sure his footing is secure.  He's a man that longs for the gate that is before him.  He also is a man that is not walking in his own strength... but the strength of the One who already walked before him.  He's a child walking in his Father's footsteps; trying only to be like his Dad.  He's a man that at the core of his being screams with the Psalmist in 119:5 - "Oh that my ways may be established To keep Thy statutes"!  Is this the cry of your heart? If need to check your heart; you may be on the wrong road.  - Scott

Side Note - "Read Job 23" the entire chapter for context, but focus on Job's heart in verses 10-12.  "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food". Could we say this after we had lost what Job had lost?  -Words like this come from the heart of a man (Job) who is truly Blessed.

Friday, July 18, 2008

We Need Discernment!


Psalm119:1-8 Second Read

What does it mean to "Walk in the Law of the Lord?"  or to have your "Way Blameless?" again; is this rule keeping and if so which ones?   The Ten commandments, the B-Attitudes in Matthew 5... or maybe the question is do we even care to know?  Some people could care less, they don't say it...but they live like it doesn't matter what God may want.  

Look at the first part of verse 2.  "Observe" means to really look at something.  Not just glance at it, but to look at every aspect of a thing.  Think!  What is the difference between "I saw" and "I observed"?
Observed what?  His testimonies... So what does it mean when someone "gives a testimony" ... They tell in detail facts about themselves. How something happened - when it happened - how it happened - where it happened - what the after effect was - and this usually stirs something inside of us about the experience they are "Testifying" to.  Get the picture!  Every word in scripture (The Old Testament that David is speaking of in 119:2) is God's personal testimony about everything pertaining to Himself.  And he didn't just leave it at words...He came as a man (Jesus) and lived the perfect "Testimony" and then took the second half of scripture (The New Testament) and pointed to Him (Jesus) as a physical testimony of who He (God) is! (Hebrews 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-23; Colossians 2:8-9; John 1:1-14)  When God truly answered the question that Moses asked in Exodus "Show me your Glory"  He pointed to Christ.  You want to see who God is - Look at the Man from Nazareth!    

So, we are to " Look at every detail that God has to say about Himself as if our life depends on it"  If you were starving and someone was giving out instructions to a huge buffet you would pay close attention to every detail and run as fast as you could to get the food.  Is this rule keeping?  No!'s looking for Him with our whole heart because we are in a great need.  The last part of verse 2.  "Blessed are those who seek Him with all their heart".  We are observing what He says about Himself because we want Him... we then want to "keep His Commandments" because we love Him and want to honor Him.  - So if we focus on Verse 119:2 then 119:1 and 119:3 will fall in order.  Read Matthew 13:44-46 and understand that "God is the treasure and God is the pearl" - see also Luke 10:25-29.