Friday, May 29, 2009

Psalm 119:105 THIS IS A FIRST!

Have you ever just taken a verse a face value and never tore into it? I have heard since I was a kid that "the word of God leads you through life" - Sure... I believe that. But explain that to me...

Well this may be old to you... but it's a first for me:
It sure is fun to meditate on scripture...

"Thy word is a lamp to my feet..."  - this indicates looking at where you are presently standing. This is an illumination at yourself and your present position, stance, situation, heart attitude, etc... Notice he is looking at his own feet. He is looking at his own condition. The beginning of it all is an inward look. The word of God must first shine it's Light on and at you! ( ie. "Get the log out of your own eye first"...)

"And a light to my path..." - This is in addition to the first. Yes the Word of God leads us through life. But it starts with us... then when your heart and "feet" are in the right place it then can lead you in the right direction. Something tells me God is more concerned with who you are more than where you are going. Compare yourself to the Light of scripture rather than to the people around you... they sin, you'll compromise. Scripture is perfect, you aren't. You'll deceive yourself... scripture will tell you the truth. You want to look at the world... scripture makes you look at God. This is Who we were created to look at... we just get distracted way to easily...

also look at Proverbs 6:23
What is the purposes of the Commandments? ( see Romans 7:5-25 )
What is it's teaching? ( Galatians 3:24 )
What is the purpose of reproof and discipline? ( Hebrews 12:5-11 )

also look at James 1: 21-26


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thoughts on Psalm 119:97-104 / James 1-4:17

All in the context of "wisdom" - defined as the knowledge of how to regulate one's relationship with God, knowing how to judge circumstances and "life situations" that we find ourselves in and how it ( the circumstances) plays in our closeness to God. You can see what's happening around you and determine what it has to do with you and God... what He is doing and why. The Greeks just observed the course and motions of the heavens, ascending to the mountain top to gain a better view of all things around them. Watching the sky to determine the course of the storm. What is a godly man to be looking at and watching?
Skillful, watchman, experience, prudent, balanced, truth, sensible, expert, wise.
How are these character traits developed?

Read Psalm 119:97-104 and at the same time read James chapter 1 through chapter 4:17
Key points:
Wisdom gained through hard times and trial...
Learning to know the difference between trials and temptation...
Being real... ( an effectual doer of Gods word not just appearance only )
So speak and so act...
The heart of man as seen (heard) through the man's mouth... 
Pure, Balanced...
Peaceful closeness to God...
Making the right decisions in one's daily walk...


Friday, May 22, 2009

Decisions, Wisdom, Understanding, and seeing in the Fog

How do you make a decision when everything around you seems to be in a fog? Are you even supposed to make a decision? Are you being led by God into a fog for discipline and training or did you stray into yourself - or both? Which way do I go; which way do I turn? Do I stay here until the fog lifts or do I try to walk in a certain direction? Do I ask the typical question, "What is the will of God" or do I accept the fact that He is in control and this fog is part of His will? ( by the way... I'm not asking if we should consider if He is in control. He is...) The ultimate question is if I know He is in control why do I so often act like He's not! 

I have noticed that foggy days can be nice...
The air smells cleaner...
Things seem to slow down a bit...
My focus becomes more narrow ( this is a good thing if you tend to work too much like me)
My coffee tastes better...
I take smaller steps...
I ask more questions and stop assuming and taking things for granted... ( I don't want to step in anything )
I'm afraid of moving to fast and hitting something or someone and hurting them and myself...
I get very concerned about every move I make... I don't want to make the wrong one.
I pray more...
I read more scripture...
I look harder...
I meditate more...
I listen more... ( hopefully speak less )
I stop reacting quickly to things... I tend to analyze everything and every detail...
...and in a crazy way things become more clear.

uh... Thank You Lord for foggy days!

Psalm 119:97-104; 105-112
James 3:13-18