Saturday, November 22, 2008

Psalm 119:65-72 - JUNKFOOD

The main verse that hit me was 119:70a - "Their heart is covered with fat".

Being in Mexico for the majority of October gave me a different perspective on everything; especially with the outcome of our Presidential election and the outcry for the government to give more handouts. The other thing I saw was American's attitudes toward material restraint, or lack of, during economic hardship. We are facing an economic downturn that none of us have really had to face and yet people are still standing in line to buy the new Blackberry that was just released. This shows a serious heart problem not an economic problem. Our country is where it is because our hearts are where they are...

Images that came to mind ( I'm an artist/illustrator... I can't help it) are of Las Vegas, Shopping malls, large city's, sports arenas, buffet tables, Walmart, expensive cars, more and more gadgets like Iphones, Ipods, and never ending computer upgrades, $4.00 coffee, and so on...

I had a conversation with a guy I work with in Mexico and the overall observation of America is that we are selfish... just about sums it up! We only think of ourself and what new toy we can add to our pampered life, and if anything threatens that we'll sacrifice everything including our morals to prevent our pampered lives from being messed with; not to mention the debt we'll pile up to sustain an image/lifestyle that we think we have to have.

Satan has done his job very well. He doesn't need to attack us like something out of a movie to get us away from God. He only has to entertain us to death... Man is already by nature "all about self" so all Satan has to do is feed that by throwing everything we want at us. Like a little kid that can't take his eyes off the banana split and won't eat dinner. We are filling ourselves with everything that will make us sick and later kill us. We are left with no appetite for what God really wants us to have and that is Him.

Listen to Davids words in contrast to the "heart covered in fat":
vs. 65 = Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant...
vs. 66 = Teach me discernment and knowledge
vs 66 = I believe in Thy commandments...
vs. 67 = Before I was afflicted (disciplined by God through circumstances) I went astray. But know I keep Thy word
vs. 68 = Thou art good and doest good... Teach me Thy statutes
vs. 69b = With all my heart I will observe Thy precepts
vs. 70 = I delight in Thy law
vs. 71 = It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes
vs. 72 = The law of Thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

We need to stop living on the junk food that the world is feeding us everyday. Youth are educating themselves on how to maintain life according to the world's system and twisting their faith to fit what they want while at the same time silencing God. In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life." The question we need to ask ourselves everyday is "what/who am I following" and "what is shaping my appetite"... is it the junk food the world offers or the solid meat of the word of God?


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Psalm 119:65

I think my traveling days are going to be slowing down soon (I'm currently in Mexico) and I'm looking forward to getting back to spending more time in Psalm 119. While on the road it's hard to blog... there's just so much to do.

I'm keeping this one short and sweet. Not because I'm trying to just fill up a post, but because when you think about it... this verse says a lot by itself:

119:65 - Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word.

This is past tense; looking back, David can see where he was and where he currently is. He can see the hand of God in his life maturing him through circumstances. His conclusion is God has "dealt well" with him... taken care of him, handled him, lifted him up, taught and matured him. Through all the bad times and good times he credits God for handling him well.

He also calls himself a servant... meaning he has submitted Himself to Gods mercy and control and has not regretted it. He's not ashamed of his master and His masters way of dealing with his life.

He recognizes that God is his Lord and that everything is according to His word. Gods word is sure and is the sufficient means to walk by. His life has been "joyfully handled and sustained by God's word" and then in verse 119:66 he wants more of it...

"Taste and see that the Lord is good..."

Can you look back throughout your life's history and say the same thing. Can you see God handling you? Is your daily life according to His word? Have you submitted everything to Him and trust Him to "deal with you according to His word"? Is He disciplining you as a father and maturing you daily... is He ever present in your daily life and thoughts?

Do you really know Him... and does He really know you? Are you in a relationship with him?
Is there a history to your relationship? Think about it...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughts on the Election...

There is a lot of conversations going on about the recent election and our new President elect Barak Obama. Some people are in tears and very excited and some are worried and very angry. What I've noticed, people are passionate on either side and there aren't many in the middle. Plus everybody wants to ask the question; "What do you think about the election?"

This is the perfect opportunity to really get to the heart of the issue. "Christ is our hope, not the government" I'm actually hopeful at the whole thing... not that a liberal and apparent Socialist is going to be running our country, but the fact that there seems to be no more grays in the discussion. You know what he stands for and what he is going to do. You also know what the country wants and is looking for based on how they voted. Look at the picture I have posted here and ask yourself what are they truly excited about? What do they want out of life, and what are they searching for? Why did they vote the way they did? How did it get to the point where a country that fought to keep Socialism out has now voted it in. Liberty, Capitalism, and what our founding Fathers died for is being changed by an excited majority. The world around us is getting darker by the day by those who think they are actually doing the opposite. And the hope is: The gospel will shine brighter! The Church doesn't need to picket and boycott... it needs to pray and seek the Lord harder in His word. Look at some verses in Psalm 119...

Psalm 119:19-20 = I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Thy commandments from me. My soul is crushed with longing after Thine ordinances at all times

Psalm 119:23-24 = Even though princess sit and talk against me, Thy servant meditates on Thy statutes.

Psalm 119:41-42 = May Thy lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word; So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Thy Word.

Psalm 119:46 = I will speak of Thy testimonies before kings, And shall not be ashamed

Psalm 119:51 = The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Thy law.

Psalm 119:61 = The cords of the wicked have encircled me, But I have not forgotten Thy law

Psalm 119: 69-70 = The arrogant have forged a lie against me; With all my heart I will observe Thy precepts. Their heart is covered with fat, But I delight in Thy law.

"It is good for us that we are afflicted, that we may learn His statutes." -119:71
Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Thy word...

The opposition we may be facing, in increased measure, should only drive us closer to Him, and give Him the opportunity to shine brighter through us. - this is a good thing and not something to be depressed about! Also, there are still some out there that will come to Him... let's go after them for His glory!

Also read this older post! It relates in a big way: Liberty