These verses actually fill up two sections; I'm floating between the two. I like the connection between verse 59 - "I considered my ways, and turned my feet to Thy testimonies" and verse 67 - "Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Thy word".
This makes me think of Galatians 5:16-17 when he says " Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."
Before I was converted/born again there was no war going on inside me between the two (flesh and Spirit) I just did what I wanted to without any real concern... yes there was some understanding that what I was doing was wrong, but nothing like a strong conviction; I would just make excuses and rationalize away the sin I was involved in. Now it's different... there is a war inside me. I here the two (flesh and spirit) screaming at each other. Each time I sin or make a wrong decision I feel "afflicted" in my gut and the worst thing I can do is ignore it. I also sense it before I sin... like a radar or warning signal to turn the other way... Now I "keep His word" not perfectly but the direction I aim at rather than my flesh. My decision making is based on "is this Biblical" or "will this honor God". The sad thing is I'm not perfect at it, but it's solid assurance that He is there because He is afflicting me like a father discipling his child.
His continual presence is an amazing reality. Even when He pulls away because of my sin; His pulling away is felt. Everything does, and should, revolve around Him.
"It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Thy statutes."
"The law of Thy mouth is better to me thatn thousands of gold and silver pieces." -119:71-72
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm Back...for a day.
What a month it has been: Mexico for two weeks, home for a week, Aruba for a week, home for a day, and now back to Mexico. I long to be in one place for an extended period of time. I wanted to keep up with this blog but it has been quite hard. In Aruba we didn't have the internet (or I actually wouldn't pay what they wanted me to pay for it) plus all the running around and traveling has made it difficult. I've noticed how easy it is to get caught up in the craziness and go a few days without really spending time in the Word. After a few days I feel like something is wrong somewhere; like being out of place. We don't realize just how easily we can wander off and never know it, and at the same time think everything is OK. Remember when Mary and Joseph left Jesus in the temple? They left Jerusalem and traveled a day before they "started looking for Him" and realized He wasn't with them. (Luke 2:41-49)
This is so much like us... we get caught up and carried away with stuff and take off and leave Jesus behind. Not that we mean to or that we are deep in sin; I think it's a good "wake-up-call" that we really need to pay attention to where we are and to where Jesus is and fight daily to stay next to Him. Every time we wander off we are in danger... we may be up to our ears in lion country and never know it. This is not the time and these are not the days to get lazy. (Have you been watching CNN and the political battle!!?)
As for Psalm 119; I am floating between verses 49-72. I will be posting more on those later...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Psalm 119:49-64 Mexico Summary
I know this is a weird title for this post, but I didn't know what else to call it. I've been in Queretaro Mexico for over a week now on business and feeling a bit like a stranger. It's amazing how much we take for granted in our "Christian comfort zone" back in the states. Here, there are no churches, nothing on the radio (that I would understand) and no fellowship. You are alone with God... I'm not saying that is bad; but it's hard. You get to know yourself and how easily distracted you can be. I feel like my soul is hungry and my ears burn for solid preaching. Words in Psalm 119 take on new meaning:
Remember the word to Thy servant, In which Thou hast made me hope.
This is my comfort... that Thy Word has revived me
I have remembered Thine ordinances from of old, O Lord, and comfort myself.
Thy statutes are my songs...
The Lord is my portion...I have promised to keep Thy words
I entreated Thy favor with all my gracious to me according to Thy word...
I'm not trying to be overly dramatic...just real. We don't realize just how important the Word of God is until that's all you have. I've realized while being here on business I've been busy working and haven't read my Bible as much as I should...I physically feel it. I feel a deep longing that goes away only when my Bible is open in front of me. I long for Christian fellowship... I long to here a choir sing... I long for my family.
My God truly is everything. There is truly nothing to be desired more than Him.
"This has become mine. That I observe Thy precepts"-119:56
Remember the word to Thy servant, In which Thou hast made me hope.
This is my comfort... that Thy Word has revived me
I have remembered Thine ordinances from of old, O Lord, and comfort myself.
Thy statutes are my songs...
The Lord is my portion...I have promised to keep Thy words
I entreated Thy favor with all my gracious to me according to Thy word...
I'm not trying to be overly dramatic...just real. We don't realize just how important the Word of God is until that's all you have. I've realized while being here on business I've been busy working and haven't read my Bible as much as I should...I physically feel it. I feel a deep longing that goes away only when my Bible is open in front of me. I long for Christian fellowship... I long to here a choir sing... I long for my family.
My God truly is everything. There is truly nothing to be desired more than Him.
"This has become mine. That I observe Thy precepts"-119:56
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Psalm 119:41-48 Third Read
"I considered my ways, And turned my feet to Thy testimonies." - Psalm 119:59
This is something a lost man will not do. He may consider... but he never turns. That turning is called repentance. In the life of a believer this must be an everyday routine. Consider your ways, think about your day before you start it and in the evening before you go to bed. "Are your feet turned in the direction of His testimonies? Are you thinking of Him? Are you spending time with Him? Has He been spending time with you? If you are facing the wrong way... TURN AROUND!
"Entreat His favor with all your heart" -119:58
and "make yourself a companion of those who fear Him and of those who keep His precepts." -119:63 Peer pressure is good when you are around godly men... it helps you stay turned in the right direction.
This is something a lost man will not do. He may consider... but he never turns. That turning is called repentance. In the life of a believer this must be an everyday routine. Consider your ways, think about your day before you start it and in the evening before you go to bed. "Are your feet turned in the direction of His testimonies? Are you thinking of Him? Are you spending time with Him? Has He been spending time with you? If you are facing the wrong way... TURN AROUND!
"Entreat His favor with all your heart" -119:58
and "make yourself a companion of those who fear Him and of those who keep His precepts." -119:63 Peer pressure is good when you are around godly men... it helps you stay turned in the right direction.
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